Цитрусните мириси спаѓаат во групата на оние мириси кои се подеднакво омилени и на жените и на мажите.
Јас признавам не сум неки обожавател на тие ноти, макар не кога тие доминираат.
Всушност, мирисот на овој сапун се вика Лимон Вербена, што е истоимена билка. Оваа билка се користи како зачинска, во разни јадења, или слатки, за да добијат арома на лимон.
Искрено кажано, јас не ни знаев дека таа да постои, туку мислев дека мирисот е комбинација од лимон и цвет вербена. :-)
Затоа, мојот сапун изгледа како ливада полна со цветови на вербена.
Hello everyone!
It's been awhile...yeah. But,it doesn't mean I don't have new soaps to present. On the contrary. I have a few posts in draft folder, I just can't seem to finish all what I've got to.
This one was supposed to be my Verbena soap, with lemony scent, but apparently there is a plant named Lemon Verbena, which has nothing to do neither with lemon, nor verbena. Except its lemony scent!!!
I discovered this plant after I had made the soap, so why the heck not- I have colorful zesty soap, which appearance doesn't go with the fragrance, and if you smell it, with your eyes closed, you would never tell it looks like this.
Does anyone really care???
My Lemon Verbena soap was supposed to be a green meadow, full of colorful flowers of verbena.
Despite of expectations, this fragrance is very dark coloured , so I think it influenced the end colours in my soap.
Here it is,my verbena meadow:
Затоа, мојот сапун изгледа како ливада полна со цветови на вербена.
Hello everyone!
It's been awhile...yeah. But,it doesn't mean I don't have new soaps to present. On the contrary. I have a few posts in draft folder, I just can't seem to finish all what I've got to.
This one was supposed to be my Verbena soap, with lemony scent, but apparently there is a plant named Lemon Verbena, which has nothing to do neither with lemon, nor verbena. Except its lemony scent!!!
I discovered this plant after I had made the soap, so why the heck not- I have colorful zesty soap, which appearance doesn't go with the fragrance, and if you smell it, with your eyes closed, you would never tell it looks like this.
Does anyone really care???
My Lemon Verbena soap was supposed to be a green meadow, full of colorful flowers of verbena.
Despite of expectations, this fragrance is very dark coloured , so I think it influenced the end colours in my soap.
Here it is,my verbena meadow:
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лимон со боите на вербена |
Сапунот е направен со овесно млеко и овесни снегулки, кои се наоѓаат во зелениот слој. Покрај тоа, во него има ши путер и бадемово масло, а се разбира и природна свила, која стана неизбежна состојка во сите наши сапуни. Еве го во модла. Нели е прекрасен? |
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In the mould |
Мириса навистина добро! Ова е суптилен, свеж мирис, кој го дига расположението и ги буди сетилата. Најдобар е кога ви треба лесно и брзо утринско расонување!
If you ask me, Lemon Verbena is more lemony than lemon itself. It seems many people like citrus scents, since they are uplifting, refreshing, summery and light. I prefer blends, not citruses straight.
I made this one with oatmeal milk and added oatmeal in the first, green, layer. Additionally, the soap contains shea butter, along with inevitable silk.
Оваа нова модла со разни форми ми беше идеална за мали сапунчиња/примероци кои наскоро ќе се најдат во званична понуда во сет (4 различни мирисни ноти).
I recently got this silicone mould, although I had promised myself to stop buying them. This one was different, because the cavities are neither too big, nor too small. I though any four of them, scented in different fragrances would make excellent gift set.
I poured a part of my batter in some of them and here they are- in the mould and out of it.
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најпосле и вербена цветови :-) |
И слики на готови сапуни
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How could I possibly live without having ash??? Grrrr! |
За да видете уште сапуни, кои нестрпливо чекаат ред да се најдат на овој блог (а и јас да ги покажам), следете не и понатаму.
Thanks for reading, my world wide readers, have a wonderful weekend and stay tuned. I've got so many soaps to show you!
Состав / Ingredients: Сапонифицирани масла/ Saponified oils - Maслиново масло (Sodium olivate), Кокосово (Sodium Cocoate), Палмино (Sodium palmate), Рицинусово (Sodium Castorate), Бадемово (Sodium Almondate), Масло од маслодајна репка (Sodium Canolate), Сончогледово (Sodium Sunflowerate), Ши путер (Sodium Shea Butterate), oвесно млеко, овесни снегулки, природни пигменти (pigments), мирис (fragrance), природна свила (silk)
Dobrodošla nazad! Ovo je izgleda sapun da nas podseća na letnje dane sada kad se sprema mraz. Nemam ništa protiv! A koji su ti sezonski sapuni?
ReplyDeleteHvala Ksenija! Ja sam sve vreme, zapravo, vrlo aktivna u 'radionici',samo nablogu malo zabusavam, :-)
DeleteOd sezonskih mirisa, tipa bundeve, zacini itd. - nemamo nista!
Imamo vanilice, mosusne, drvenaste note- sve kao bazne, ali zapravo mnogo kompleksnije, zenstvene i opijajuce! A polako se sprema i Cokoladna narandza i Braon secer i smokva, kao najsladje i najzimskije varijante!
Sta cu- ne razmisljam sezonski ni najmanje, u glavi su mi trenutno totalno out-of -season mirisi.
mmmmm vanilice... a sa jaffa varijantom nikad ne mozes da omasis. I meni je na 'to do' spisku ;)
DeleteHaha, jaffa! E ova ti dobra, nisam se setila jafe! Mene je miris podsetio na praline. Ah da, zaboravila sam i Scotish Blossom Honey, jos jedna od slatkastih, 'jestivih' aroma ! Imam i 'Milk & Honey', ali nekako mi je previse sladak, mislim da cu ga sacuvati za putere i losione, cini mi se da je tu pun pogodak!
DeleteHmmm, ono ispade da i ja imam 'zimskije' varijante!
Beautiful, Maja! You always make such colourful soaps, and your swirls are always interesting! Lemona verbena is one of my favourite scent, too! And it suits well to your soap!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see your other soaps!
Aw, thanks Nat! I was afraid I had totally wrecked the colour scheme, but I suppose I was lucky enough to have green and yellow as the base colours.
DeleteCan't wait to put my next soaps on, too!
Maja, this soap is gorgeous! I'm sure it smells as sweet and fresh as it looks :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Renata! It smells so lemony, so yes, very fresh and uplifitng! Little bit of freshness for the upcoming snowy days, :-)
DeleteLovely colors and swirls, Maja! I am not sure how a true lemon verbena smells like, but I bet it smells wonderfully zesty! I have a lemongrass verbena f.o. but what I smell is mostly lemongrass. I can't wait for you to show us your new soaps!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Silvia! Hmm, now you got me puzzled with lemongrass verbena. I suppose Lemongrass is pretty lemony, but what about verbena? Is that combo of lemongrass+ verbena, as I thought mine was? It should be, right?
DeleteOh, whatever, there is no single note of verbena in mine (I don't know what it is supposed to smell like, but I cannot detect any floral hint in there) and apparently, not in yours, also!
Lemon verbena is such a wonderful scent, and you've paired it beautifully with the colours and style of your soap.
ReplyDeleteYour moulded soaps are so adorable! Are they stand alones, or will they be placed on top of other soaps?
Thanks Monica, I'm glad that you like the colour scheme, I wasn't sure I had matched them well with the scent.
DeleteSingle soaps are too big to be placed on tops,but just enough big to be assembled with another three, as a set of four differently scented.
maja, prvi put sam došla na tvoj blog, pošto sam imala dostup preko renate.
ReplyDeletefantastična mila,nešto ovakvo ne vidi se svaki dan. zaista si prava majstorica. a i potrudila sam se da pročitam cirilicu. davno sam je učila a ponovno opet nedavno ,kad sam učila ruski. lijepi pozdrav iz slovenije
Irena, dobrodosla na moj blog, uvek je lepo videti nova lica!
DeleteHvala ti puno na komplimentu, zaista mi znaci.
Lepo je znati sto vise jezika, pa i pisama, a sa ruskim ces bolje razumeti i makedonski (ili obratno), :-) !
Zesty is gorgeous, Maja! I love the colors, and the swirls are so pretty. The mini soaps are adorable, too!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenny! I think the colours have gone darker, because of oatmeal milk (yellow and the the swirling colours), but I suppose it's ok. This is how it looks now, though.
DeleteWhat a beautiful soap Maja! I love the swirls =). I am one of those that like Lemon Verbena too. it's such an uplifting fragrance for me. I really love the flower soap!
ReplyDeleteHey girl, glad to have you here! Yap, definitely uplifting and invigorating fragrance. Thanks Roxana for you comment!