Одсекогаш и засекогаш популарниот мошус!
Кога бев дете имаше цела колекција на мошуси, кои се викаа 'Wild Love', 'Exotic Love', 'Magic Love' и други врсти на љубов. Тие парфеми беа маслени и навистина многу јаки и убави.
И покрај тоа што мошусот е базна нота на безброј парфеми, во кои ниту сонувате дека го има, постојат и оние со повеќе дистинктивен мирис на мошус.
Musk forever, it's everlasting, always popular and inevitable. As a base note, irreplaceable.
And this one I like much,much. It's that type of fragrances I'm in love with- perfume like!
Без оглед на тоа дали и кој мошус го сакате, или не, овој мирис ќе ви се допадне, ако сакате слаткасти и цветни мириси. Мене лично ми е преубав, не можам да сокријам дека јас најмногу ги сакам сложените мирисни композиции, кои подсеќаат на парфеми. Е, таков е и овој.
Женствен, елегантен и отмен. И ве опколува со мирисен, мистичен облак.
Во состав на овој сапун влегоа ланолинот и ши путерот, како екстра хидрирачки состојки за ладните денови и природната свила, како уште еден луксузен додаток.
Топчињата и светките што се гледаат на сапунот се декоративни додатоци за торти и колачи, значи шеќерни се и тотално безопасни за вашата кожа.
Топчињата и светките што се гледаат на сапунот се декоративни додатоци за торти и колачи, значи шеќерни се и тотално безопасни за вашата кожа.
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Еве ја сликата од минатиот пост- Детал од врвот на сапунот во модла |
Првата верзија на овој сапун беше можеби уште поубава, проценете сами:
My first attempt with this fragrance looked like this. Oh, how much I liked this soap. I was delighted with everything about it.
Isn't it beautiful?
It was,until the next day, when I had to face with the facts.
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The first version |
Проблемот со овој сапун беше што содата не беше добра и делуваше слабо врз маслата. Како резултат, добив мек сапун, со повеќе неизреагирани масла отколку што е потребно. Сакав да плачам, бидејќи многу ми се допадна сапунот, но......се случуваат и такви работи, очигледно.
Овој мирис дефинитивно ќе стане едан од сталните во понудата на 'Diva Chique' линијата.
What went wrong with this soap? It was darn lye!
Some time ago, Cee asked me how I could tell if lye was bad. It was somehow weakened, gone off, I don't know, but obviously didn't do its job. How did I know? I didn't .
Some time ago, Cee asked me how I could tell if lye was bad. It was somehow weakened, gone off, I don't know, but obviously didn't do its job. How did I know? I didn't .
At the moment of dissolving it, I noticed my silk fibers wouldn't dissolve completely, which should be the case. But, I was stupid careless enough to proceed and pour it into the oils. So basically, you can't know whether your lye is ok, but if you try to dissolve something in, it shows its efectiveness..
The next day I could cut the soap, but it was unusually soft. Soft and oily. Of course it was, the oil excess was so evident. I left it for a few days to monitor on it, but nothing changed. Except the soap was becoming darker. I never scent coloured portion if there is a minor suspect of discolouring, so the swirls stayed bright and nice, whilest the base colour was kind a caramel/light brown,- not very pretty.
After this batch I was sure the main portion of the next one wouldn't be left uncoloured. The result is this new soap. I mean, what colour can you use to counteract vanilla. The choice is not wide, really.
Аnd finally, where did the beautiful soap go? As stuborn as I am, I wouldn't / couldn't let it go and toss it.
I rebatched it once,.....still oily,......twice......lye heavy,.....third time...... fine! So, I got triple-milled soap without wanting it, :-)
After all these rebatch processes, the fragrance didn't survive. It was still there, but so much modified, that you could never tell what it originated from.
Now it's a good soap, just not nearly as pretty as its ancestor, nor its successor.
I rebatched it once,.....still oily,......twice......lye heavy,.....third time...... fine! So, I got triple-milled soap without wanting it, :-)
After all these rebatch processes, the fragrance didn't survive. It was still there, but so much modified, that you could never tell what it originated from.
Now it's a good soap, just not nearly as pretty as its ancestor, nor its successor.
Here it is, its second life:
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Еве како сега изгледа мојот преубав сапун. Сепак, сега е одличен и мириса на лаванда. |
Состав / Ingredients: Сапонифицирани масла/ Saponified oils - Maслиново масло (Sodium olivate), Кокосово (Sodium Cocoate), Палмино (Sodium palmate), Рицинусово (Sodium Castorate),Ши путер (Sodium Shea butterate), Сончогледово (Sodium Sunflowerate), Масло од маслодајна репка (Sodium Canolate), ланолин (lanolin) природни пигменти (pigments), мирис (fragrance), природна свила (silk)
Thank you for staying with me till the end, hope you have enjoyed reading!
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I'm sorry you had to do that hard way...the first version looks beautiful to me, I can't find anything wrong in the picture. I've read somewhere that lye absorbs moisture from air and because of that it won't stay well forever. You actually can't see if it has gone bad, you can only notice it when lye doesn't work like it should.
ReplyDeleteYes Signe, that's what I think happened here- the lye had attracted the moisture, and gone weak. It was placed in the cupboard on my upstairs bathroom, which we occasionally use, but as I had great amount of it (about 6 kg), the bag I opened last was already bad. It was originally placed into plastic bags, well tied, but you never know how it can interact with the moisture.The other option is that it had been already old and weak, before I got it.
DeleteYes, sadly, picture doesn't show how awful it actually was. It was almost painful to look at this beauty disrupted
Thanks for your comment and welcome to my blog!
Oh no! :/ I did not even know that lye could go bad. Nor did I know that you could rebatch soap several times. But the second version, it made me speechless. I just stared at those colors and golden balls and sighed. You really know how to combine colors.
ReplyDeleteWell yes, you can, that's how triple-milled soap is made. In my case it was without a mill, of course! It's been said that triple-milled soaps are the mildest ones and due to time required for their production- most expensive.
DeleteI'm glad you like 2nd versions, I still grieve over the first one. Thanks Marika for your lovely words!
What a pity to loose one such perfect batch of soap! I recently had similar experience. I started soaping, measured all ingredient but was not careful enough (because I was so tired) to see that my usual recipe ingredients weights has different measuring volume. I realized later on that instead of grams I weighted them in oz. Since my balance has several measuring unit options I did not set it properly on grams to be in line with my recipe. I had to cook that soap and now I have 1,2 kg of laundry soap. It's always stressful to learn hard way but those lessons are really valuable! To come back to your soap: it is really beautiful and colorful and I can only imagine how skin loving it will be!
ReplyDeleteMoja vaga isto ima i unce, ali je po default-u na grame. S druge strane, kad je u pitanju temperature, nekako sam navikla na Farenhajt , umesto na nase Celzijuse. Kuc-kuc u drvo, da se ne zanesem s tim, jer sad temperaturu merim samo losionima i kremama, sapunima retko.
DeleteDa, uzasno je stresno, a ponajvise me boli dobra doza kvalitetnog i skupog mirisa i putera!
Ah, prezivecu, pre ili kasnije svakome od nas se desi nesto slicno...
Hvala ti na komplimentu za ovog mladjeg brata!
Oh, poor you! I've had lye go bad. I knew it was old and it was hard as can be, but I didn't think it would matter as it would dissolve anyway. It's such a pity for such a beautiful batch.
ReplyDeleteTriple milling? Wow--that's a lot of work. Milling doesn't excite me but I know sometimes you must or waste soap! It came out well, though! Good job. :)
The darn thing doesn't show when is off! It dissolves completely and you can not say whether it's bad.
DeleteI also hate rabatching, especially if I have to destroy pretty soap, but sometimes you really need to close your eyes and chop it!
Thanks Amy for your comment!
Oh, Maja, I am so sorry that you lost such a beautiful soap. It happened to me too, in my case the lye didn't dissolve properly... but my soap wasn't so beautiful as yours. I didn't know you can rebatch several times( I tried once, but didn't like at all the soap).
ReplyDeleteI can't take my eyes from the top of this soap, you have to remake it, Maja, it's too beautiful!
I will try to recreate it, Nat, but you never know with soap! What I know is that every time some mishap occurs, it's a beautiful soap. Murphy's law, I guess
DeleteI love the new layout! Looks great!
ReplyDeleteIt took a lot of work and time and i still need some changes to make, but hopefully, it alll was worth it
DeleteI did not know that Lye could go bad. I really enjoyed reading this post since I had no idea! Thanks for sharing as always. The bars of soap are beautiful by the way. I love the swirls
ReplyDeleteI don't think it something that happens often, but it does happen, so if you ever suspect your lye was exposed to any humidity, just toss it
DeleteYou are a wealth of information Maja, it's just too bad you had to tell us about lye going off due to personal experience. The first batch is gorgeous but you did an amazing job to salvage it. And people pay big money for triple milled soap, don't they?
ReplyDeleteThanks Monica, but in this case better any soap than none soap! But hey, I can say i have made the french milled soap!
DeleteI didn't know either that lye could go bad. Did your lye flakes/pearls look moist?
ReplyDeleteI admire your persistence in doing a triple mill! :-)
No, Silvia, the flakes looked perfect, no signs of moist. The triple mill isn't my favourite style, but I pulled it off.
DeleteSo lovely colors and swirl !
ReplyDeleteThanks Aurel Jazz!
DeleteMistique is beautiful, Maja! I love musk, too. The sugar pearls are a beautiful touch. Sorry to hear about your troubles with the lye. That's a bummer. I'm glad that you were able to salvage the soap, though!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenny! I'm so terrified by lye now, that I very carefully observe how fast it will dissolve my silk. It really hurts when you waste precious ingedients.
DeleteWow, the final version turned out so pretty, I love musk-based fragrances too! Thanks for sharing this experience Maja, it is valuable to know because inevitably we might run into this same problem one day. I bet the triple-milled soap is amazing!
ReplyDeleteIt's good to know, but you better never experience this issue. The thing is that you can't predict at what amount your oils were saponified,and how much they still need lye. I think dealing with lye heavy soaps is easier, at least you can always try recalling what you did wrong.
DeleteOvoj sapun e STVOREN za suva i problematicna koza!!! Ednostavno mnogu ubavo mi mirisa slatko ama zemjeno nekako a sakam taka jas:)) I najvazno (najmnogu zaradi lanolinot i puterot izmesani zaedno) ne samo sto ne mi ja susi kozata tuku ja zadrzuva nejzinata PH vrednost! (najcesto sredstvo za cistenje ja namaluva ph vrednosta na kozata koja kako posledica na toa posle mienje treba da se tonira za da ja vrati ph vrednosta velam najcesto) Mystique e idealen sapun (iako nitu eden diva sapun ne mi ja ima isuseno kozata nikako) ednostavno sekoj sapun si ima svoe dejstvo i svoi finesi a ona sto im e zaednicko e deka se pogodni i polezni za sekoj tip na koza:) Prekrasno Maja!
ReplyDeletePozdrav:) Zorica
Mirisot e navistina preubav, a novata tura ke bide za nekoj den spremna (uh, koga ke gi postavam novite postovi??!!). Komercijalnite sredstva za banjanje sekogas imaat nekoj regulator na kiselostta, i voobicaeno toj ja namaluva pH vrednostta. No, taa vrednost e ili neutralna ,ili malku pokisela (znaci pod 7). No, toa ne e ona sto ni smeta, bidejki kozata sama si regulira pH vrednostta, samo posle nekolku minuti. Postrasno e sto surfaktanti koi se koristat vo tie sredstva imaat golema isusuvacka i iritiracka mok,otamu poteknuva perutanje i svrab na kozata. Kaj prirodni sapuni,(se razbira, ako se dobro napraveni),nema nitu podesuvacki agensi za pH, nitu vestacki penlivi. pH e povisoka ,no taa se brzo regulira, bidejki sapunot e samo kratko vreme na kozata. Voedno , povisokata pH vrednost deluva antibakteriski i poradi toa, site vo semsjstvo mozat da koristat eden sapun (hehehe).
DeleteMnogu povazno e toa sto se polni so glicerin , )zatoa se i preporacuva da se ccuva na suvo, bidejki od glicerinot ,pobrzo se topi) i od prirodni sostojki.
Ti blagodaram Zorice na komentarite! <3