Добредојдовте на блогот кои има за цел да ви представи поинаква смисла на едноставно, секојдневно капење! Блог за рачно изработени сапуни! Покрај нив, блогот ќе се занимава и со природна козметика.
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Photo source: http://www.graphicsgrotto.com/glittergraphics/comments/welcome/imagepages/gcwelcome3.php |
Конечно сватив: што подолго размислувам да го отпочнам овој блог, се повеќе пропуштам во секоја смисла. Ниту му дозволувам на светот да ги види моите изработки, ниту можам да ги покажам убавите и миризливи подароци кои јаc ги добивам. Одлучив првиот пост да биде на македонски и англиски јазик, затоа што многу мои пријатели низ светот го чекаа овој блог за да ги видат моите креациии. Можеби и понатаму ќе пишувам на двата јазика паралелно.
Сапуните се моја љубов, страст и потреба креативно да се изразам. Долго време ја проучував техологијата за изработка на сапун и уште подолго ги барав правите, квалитетни состојки. Можам да кажам дека учев од најдобрите сапунџии од целиот свет.
За сите придобивки со користењето на природните сапуни, ќе напишам посебен пост.
Во овој првиот, сакам само да ве информирам дека ДИВА САПУНИТЕ конечно пристигнаа!
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Photo source: http://nowyouknowevents.com/ai1ec_event/kiss-kiss-cabaret-chicagocentric-fundraiser/?instance_id= |
Welcome to the blog which aims to present to you a different point of simple, every-day bath. The handmade soaps blog! In addition, this blog will be dealing with natural cosmetics,too.
I finally got it: the longer I hesitate to start running this blog, the more I'm missing out! Not only I cannot show my creations to the rest of the world, but I cannot either show beautiful, fragrant gifts I receive.
I decided to write this very first post in both English and Macedonian languages, because many of my friends from all world round have been waiting for this blog to show up and to see my creations. Maybe I will keep writting in both languages in the future.
The soaps are my love, passion and need to creatively express myself. It had taken long to study the technology of making soaps and even longer to get quality ingredients. I can only say I had been learnig from the best soapmakers from all the world.
About all benefits you gain with using natural soaps, I will write another post.
In this first one, I just want to announce: DIVA SOAP has finally arrived!
Oooh, I'm the first to comment on your shiny new blog! Welcome Maja, it's so nice to be able to visit your blog...I hope this is the start of many exciting things for you!
ReplyDeleteThanks Cee for stopping by and commenting, I'm happy to have such a soap master on my blog!
ReplyDeleteHopefully, this blog will be an excitement not only for me,but for all readers and visitors!
Hi! :D Can´t wait to see your beautiful soaps here. Already waiting for the second post.
ReplyDeleteThank you,Kirppu for being here,I'll be doing do my best to make this blog as interesting as soapmaking is,so stay with me!
DeleteAcctually, I published kinda educational story of handmade soap comparing to commercial(tab next to Home),but didn't translate it,reckoning my english readers would certainly know the facts about the subject.
I can't wait either to share my creations with all of you and also share yours with the rest of the world!
Wow, What a lovely blog, dear Maya!
ReplyDeleteI am really content to read you here!
I wish you good luck with your lovely creations and this place which will be for sure one of my favourite places to visit!
Thanks Natalia for your nice words and comment. I'll be even more pleased if you find this place interesting and worth of visiting.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy that you finally launched DIVA blog! I am looking forward to reading your posts about your fantastic soaps!
ReplyDeleteThanks dear for the welcoming words! I hope we'll have fun time here!