

'OMH' + 'Black&White'

Овој текст је посветен на производите од кои се состои 'Diva Soap' сетот. 
Ни на блогот, ни на ФБ страница досега не сме ги опишале состојките на
овие сапуни.
Сега ќе дознаете повеќе, а среќните добитници полесно ќе си одберат својот фаворит!

1. Сапунот 'OMH' (oatmeal, milk & honey)- содржи козјо млеко, овесни
снегулки, мед, рицинусово масло во поголем процент и какао путер. Неговата 
формула е таква што ќе им одговара на поголем број на луѓе со различни видови на кожа.

Тој е ефикасен при чистењето на вашето лице и тело, а 
воедно е благ и нежен. Помага при сочувување на влажността на кожата. 
Овесните снегулки го намалуваат црвенилото и ја омекнуваат иритираната
кожа. Козјото млеко и медот се познати по своите смирувачки, хидрирачки и 
омекнувачки дејства.
Тежина: околу 80 гр
2.  Сапунот 'Black&White'  содржи кокосово млеко кое во сапунот  има слични
особини како козјото и често се користи како негова 'веган' варијанта. Исто 
така,содржи рицинусово масло и активен јаглен, кои ја нежно чисти и детоксифицира 
кожата. Одличен за тинејџерски мозолчиња, како и за зрела кожа.
Тежина: околу 70 гр
Овие сапуни се формулирани за да им одговараат на мнозина луѓе!
Потполно се природни и се користат за лице и тело. 
Во нашата редовна понуда, имаме и сапуни кои се за специфицирани типови 
на кожа.

3. Сапунот 'Himalayan'- сапун кои ќе го обожавате. Овој е специфичен
сапун, составен е од само два вида на масла, кокосово и shea путер. Со
други зборови, тоа значи дека изобилува со драгоцениот shea. Направен 
со кокосово млеко и хималајска сол, сапунот во има разни терапевтски
дејствија. За хималајската сол, прочитајте повеќе во  овој пост.

4. Цврстиот путер за тело- еден од двата вида на путери кои регуларно
се наоѓаат во нашата понуда, е составен од најквалитетни нерафинирани 
масла. Се прилагодува на температурата на телото, така да лесно можете 
да го нанесете каде што имате потреба. Неговата зелена боја доаѓа од 
нерафинираното маслиново и авокадово масло. Се користи како интензивен 
третман за екстремно сува кожа -  раце, усни, пети, лактови, па дури и за  
сува коса ( се нанесува само на краевите од косата кои се оштетени), а ако 
сакате и за целото тело.
Сите овие производи се потполно природни - не содржат бои и мириси и 
можете да ги користите и за вашите најмали членови на семејството.

5. Пилинг коцки- погледнете го краткото фото-упатство на нашата ФБ
станица, за да видете како се користат. Тие содржат бадемово и маслиново 
масло, така да не само што ќе направите пилинг, но кожата ќе ви остане мека 
и хидрирана. Содржат мирисни компоненти и козметички пигменти (или во 
некој случај прехрамбени бои), а црните коцки содржат активен јаглен.

Ви благодарам уште еднаш на сите што учествувавте во оваа мала игра!

Edited: I was asked how I had done the 'Black&White' soap, which I described into the comments section, but I said the technique was not originally my idea and don't want to take the credit for it. However, I happened to came across this beautiful site, where I believe this fun technique had been first presented (and look, this lady also made, among others, black & white combo!). 
read more "'OMH' + 'Black&White'"



Ви благодарам на сите што учестувавте во наградната игра и се надевам дека ќе останете со нас и понатаму, бидејќи ќе организираме пак некоја слична игра.
Мене ми беше забавно да ги следам вашите коментари и одговори, па решив да стане пракса да ве наградуваме. Ќе имаме уште слични акции, затоа останете со нас.



Бидејќи четири од пет добитници се пријавиле со апликацијата и оставиле мејл адреси, го молам само корисникот со 'Facebook'  име 'Pomme de Terre' да ја прати својата мејл адреса во инбокс на нашата ФБ страница.

Сите добитници ќе бидат контактирани по пат на мејл во текот на викендов!

Ви благодарам уште еднаш за учеството!

read more "AND THE WINNERS ARE....."


Природен лосион за тело - 'Lotionary' Excitment!

Hello everyone!
If you have been following this blog, you are used to seeing my posts published once in a week or so. This time, I took a longer break. Not only that I was run out of my supplies, but also I wasn't around.
But, now I'm back, all along with gorgeous new supplies, waiting to be played with. It's been always difficult to get most of them and I had to involve many of my friends and relatives from Austria, UK, Germany.... to get my stuff over here. A big thank to all of them.
You might have seen some of the novelties on my Facebook page, but in case you didn't, here they are.
I'll mention just some of them: 

Firstly, there is gorgeous natural silk

Can you guess how impatient I am to try this beauty? And even more, to feel it in soap.

Then, I've got some new pigments and fragrances.
This fragrant selection came from UK. More fragrances, this time from Germany are about to come....Squee...

Among others, I ordered a few lotion making ingredients, which I had been searching for quite a while. 
It's not that I got bored with making soaps, but I just can't resist putting my hands into other B&B products.
It's been so long from the point I wished to make my own facial cream. Well, I haven't made it yet, this time I'm going to wait to get super skin food/ oils which I want to use for my cream.
But, this post isn't about what I received and what I'm longig for!

This one is about my first LOTION:
Ladies & Gentlemen (if there are some out there),

Here it is:  SHEA & ALMOND Lotion 
Made By DivaSoap
(what a pompous announcement, but yes, I'm so proud)

It contains everything needed to call it a lotion, meaning it consists of Oils (in this case oil and butter), Water,  emulsifier and preservative. I also added fragrance. Smells divine and feminine, like a  perfume. Actually I think it's a dupe of some famous perfume, but I just can't remember which one.
My big, huge thank goes to Susan from 'Point of Interest' blog, which I've been following for a long time, but this soap break helped to focus on her writing more.

I had thought that having only emulsifier would make a good facial cream, but after reading her blog and others' experiences about not well preserved creams, I realized I really want to be on the safe side. The preservative won't hurt me, but bacteria, germs and yeasts certainly will. 
If you interested to know what I used for this lotion, stay with me.

I wanted my lotion to be light, glidy, silky, fast absorbed by skin and still moisturizing and conditioning. I adore my solid and whipped butters, but I wanted to try something new. Something what I can use when my skin is not super dry and doesn't need that much moisturizing and nurishing. Something that would be perfect for summer days and nights, when you want to feel light and treated, with a perfect scent leaving behind.
So, I opted for shea butter  and almond oil (combination of butter and light oil). For a glidy feel on the skin I added Cetyl Alcohol. It's a fatty alcohol (of course, it has nothing to do with an alcohol form we immediately think of) and it's a great emollient. As a fatty ingredient, we add it to our oil phase.
 The emulsifier I used for this lotion was Olivem 1000 (Crystal Skin). This emulsifier is naturally derived from Olive oil and is one of the most popular among natural cosmetics makers. It offers superb skin feel and can be used for facial creams, lotions, baby care products, mascara, etc.
In my water phase, I added Sodium Lactate (another new ingredient), as it is considered one of the most efficient humectants. It is natural sodium salt of lactic acid and besides the cosmetic purposes, it can be used in hospitals, as an electrolyte, appled as an intravenous injection. So, it's natural and so widely used.

The preservative used for my first lotion was Geogard 221 which is paraben and formaldehyde  free.  There is no natural preservative, but there are some which are more desirable, more natural and more acceptable by  natural cosmetics makers. 
I'm sure this tiny amount of preservative (<1%) won't hurt our skin, but none of it could make a real mess. 
If you make an unhydrous (non containing water) product, you really don't need a preservative, but if you'd like to make creams and lotions (which contain water), then you better not risk your oils, butters and other ingredients go rancid  (and they will for sure) and damage your skin. 
Without a preservative added, it is recommended that your creams and lotions should be used up in three days. OK, let it be seven, if you store them in the fridge, but is it really enough time to use your product up? Of course, not!

I just had to share my delight and happiness with you and I hope you've enjoyed.
 I'm sorry I'll be the only one who really will enjoy it :-),  but trust me, it is wonderful thing I have made!
I don't wanna show off, but I'm so proud  and overwhelmed! 

I'll update this post later, perhaps tomorrow, with some more pictures showing this lotion's spreadibility and consistency. I was just too impatient to wait for day light and not to share my excitement right away! If your are curious to see, please check back later.
Thanks for staying with me till the end and have a great weekend!

I thought it would be nice to record this lotion test, instead of taking a zillion pictures, so I made a Vine video. I figured it out how to transfer it form Twitter, but still haven't how to do that directly. I suppose I will need to research a bit more, but I didn't want to keep you wait long.
I hope you don't mind watching my legs, but that was the only way I could record myself, lol.
The lotion is so light, easily spreadable and fast absorbable , feels so soft, leaves no oily layer on skin, but feels so smooth and silky . When you touch your skin afterwards, you won't feel any greasiness, only softness.
I forgot to mention earlier that I intentionally chose only two oils for my lotion, because this simplicity will  allow me to find out whether I like particular oils or not much easier than including too many oils. Now I know I do like it.
It's really prefect combination for summer.

My baby lotion-smells amazing,feels amazing! https://t.co/OxukY2PMXv
read more "Природен лосион за тело - 'Lotionary' Excitment!"