Овој текст је посветен на производите од кои се состои 'Diva Soap' сетот.
Ни на блогот, ни на ФБ страница досега не сме ги опишале состојките на
овие сапуни.
Сега ќе дознаете повеќе, а среќните добитници полесно ќе си одберат својот фаворит!
1. Сапунот 'OMH' (oatmeal, milk & honey)- содржи козјо млеко, овесни
снегулки, мед, рицинусово масло во поголем процент и какао путер. Неговата
формула е таква што ќе им одговара на поголем број на луѓе со различни видови на кожа.
Тој е ефикасен при чистењето на вашето лице и тело, а
воедно е благ и нежен. Помага при сочувување на влажността на кожата.
Овесните снегулки го намалуваат црвенилото и ја омекнуваат иритираната
кожа. Козјото млеко и медот се познати по своите смирувачки, хидрирачки и
омекнувачки дејства.
Тежина: околу 80 гр
2. Сапунот 'Black&White' содржи кокосово млеко кое во сапунот има слични
Тежина: околу 80 гр
2. Сапунот 'Black&White' содржи кокосово млеко кое во сапунот има слични
особини како козјото и често се користи како негова 'веган' варијанта. Исто
така,содржи рицинусово масло и активен јаглен, кои ја нежно чисти и детоксифицира
кожата. Одличен за тинејџерски мозолчиња, како и за зрела кожа.
Тежина: околу 70 гр
Тежина: околу 70 гр
Овие сапуни се формулирани за да им одговараат на мнозина луѓе!
Потполно се природни и се користат за лице и тело.
Потполно се природни и се користат за лице и тело.
Во нашата редовна понуда, имаме и сапуни кои се за специфицирани типови
на кожа.
3. Сапунот 'Himalayan'- сапун кои ќе го обожавате. Овој е специфичен
сапун, составен е од само два вида на масла, кокосово и shea путер. Со
други зборови, тоа значи дека изобилува со драгоцениот shea. Направен
со кокосово млеко и хималајска сол, сапунот во има разни терапевтски
дејствија. За хималајската сол, прочитајте повеќе во овој пост.
4. Цврстиот путер за тело- еден од двата вида на путери кои регуларно
се наоѓаат во нашата понуда, е составен од најквалитетни нерафинирани
масла. Се прилагодува на температурата на телото, така да лесно можете
да го нанесете каде што имате потреба. Неговата зелена боја доаѓа од
нерафинираното маслиново и авокадово масло. Се користи како интензивен
третман за екстремно сува кожа - раце, усни, пети, лактови, па дури и за
сува коса ( се нанесува само на краевите од косата кои се оштетени), а ако
сакате и за целото тело.
Сите овие производи се потполно природни - не содржат бои и мириси и
можете да ги користите и за вашите најмали членови на семејството.
5. Пилинг коцки- погледнете го краткото фото-упатство на нашата ФБ
станица, за да видете како се користат. Тие содржат бадемово и маслиново
масло, така да не само што ќе направите пилинг, но кожата ќе ви остане мека
и хидрирана. Содржат мирисни компоненти и козметички пигменти (или во
некој случај прехрамбени бои), а црните коцки содржат активен јаглен.
Ви благодарам уште еднаш на сите што учествувавте во оваа мала игра!
Edited: I was asked how I had done the 'Black&White' soap, which I described into the comments section, but I said the technique was not originally my idea and don't want to take the credit for it. However, I happened to came across this beautiful site, where I believe this fun technique had been first presented (and look, this lady also made, among others, black & white combo!).
Edited: I was asked how I had done the 'Black&White' soap, which I described into the comments section, but I said the technique was not originally my idea and don't want to take the credit for it. However, I happened to came across this beautiful site, where I believe this fun technique had been first presented (and look, this lady also made, among others, black & white combo!).
Wow, those look like gorgeous products you made, Diva!
ReplyDeleteThe OMH looks so delicious and the white and black soap is very special! Congratulations!
Thanks dear! They feel great, I wish all recipients enjoyed them!
DeleteMislim da je OMH bestseller svim sapundzijama na svetu :)
ReplyDeleteJednostavan, nepretenciozan, bez boja i mirisa i delotvoran! Ostace jos koji komad, a posle u novu turu!
DeleteVery beautiful! Maja, how did you get the pretty swirls in the black & tan soap? And yes, it looks little like my plantain shampoo bar :)
ReplyDeleteHey Marika, you see, we both made round, black-ish/white-ish soap. Mine was made back in June, but as I was planning on doing this sweepstakes,I kept it in secret until now. The trick to make the swirls is to make a funnel of the bottom of a small coke bottle and make holes on it. Then, you pour your soap batter thru the holes,alternating the colours. For some reason, my batter got thickened to early,much before I finished the pouring, so the 'flowers' are not perfectly defined on each soap. I don't remember where I saw this technique, I didn't bookmark it,but hope this helps. It's simple and so stands out!
DeleteThanks for sharing the coke bottle technique. It looks so impressive. We don´t normally drink sodas, but yesterday hubby bought a small coke bottle. What a coincidence!
DeleteI'm looking forward to seeing your version, I'm sure it will be great! I don't drink coke either,but I bought it just for the soap making purpose!
DeleteSavrsena ponuda! Sapun, piling, puter za telo - zar moze ijedna kombinacija biti bolja od ove? Ova dva sapuna su stvarno izuzetna a "Black&White" je basoriginalno ispao!
ReplyDeleteHvala, Goco! Opisala sam tehniku Mariki, it really rocks,a jednostavna je!
DeleteLove the black & white soap Maja, even though I can't read a word of it. :) But as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
ReplyDeleteI really don't know how could be possible there is no English on this Google translator!? I noticed it earlier, but as I usually translate my posts myself, I didn't care much. But, now I do. And much worse, I have no idea if I could do anything to install it back!?
DeleteI didn't translate this one, because it's related to recently finished sweepstakes on my FB page.
The first soap's name speaks for itself, OMH, the 'Black&White' is coconut milk/activated charcoal soap, two little hearts are Pink Himalayan soap and Body butter and on the last picture are sugar scrub cubes.
Thanks for you sweet words,Mo (does anyone call you Mo?)
I think Google, in all it's wisdom, decided since you have "Black and White" in English, well we can figure out what the rest of your post says. :)
DeleteIt's okay that I can't read it, I can still look and sigh over your gorgeous creations. :)
Nope, no one calls me Mo. My sister calls me Mon, and a few select friends do the same, but anyone else who's tried are now 6 feet under. :D
I think it's more serious than just recogonizing words and decided not to do rest. Technology!!!???
DeleteOooops,I will keep using your given name then, sorry!
LOL! I think technology got lazy and went for a long coffee break.
DeleteNo worries about the name, I answer to most things, unless they're insulting. ;)
Ah, so that's how you did the black and white soap..what a cool technique! I can't read a word either, lol..but your soaps are gorgeous. The sugar scrub cubes don't look like sugar scrub cubes...they look like something you could eat!! :)
ReplyDelete....and you probably were wondering how the heck I had created 'flower', while scrolling down!! Hihi, it is cool technique!
DeleteNow, all you inspired me to write another post...
Also, for ssugar cubes, I have developed easy way tomake them smooth, before rolling them into sugar. With sugar on, they really look like candy, we have a type of jelly with sugar coating which I love and these really resemble this sweets.
Thanks Kalla!
Very cool idea with the coke-bottle technique! Gorgeous products Maja, and I love the little boxes for your body butter!
ReplyDeleteI totally forgot that I could have written a separate post on doing this soap. In tis post I was describing the products which I would give away and 'Black&White' soap was one of these two, recepients should choose from. Interesting, so far, three out of five have chosen 'OMH'.
DeleteI made the boxes myself,it's really easy-peasy, I just need more pro equipment!
Both soaps look great! =)
ReplyDeleteThanks Anne-Marie! If I only could have Brambleberry vertical mould! Actually,it's not the only thing I crave for from BB!
DeleteGorgeous, Maja! I love OMH soap, and the "Black & White" is so cool-looking! Thanks for sharing the coke bottle technique. What a great idea!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jenny! Everyone seems to love oatmeal, I think I will incorporate it in more recipes!
Delete'Coke' idea is not mine, I think I saw it on some forum,or so, but it is really cool!
Dear Maja, thank you for sharing the link of tutorial for my "Flower Soap".
ReplyDeleteJ'm really upset the last days. Someone is trying to sell the WEB soap lessons including this technique and the original creations from two other soap makers. Someone wants to make money using the ideas that we are sharing to all the word. We are not looking for the money, we are not looking for notoriety. But the WEB is the last place where we are not obliged to buy if we want to learn. Share our ideas with the others, learn, inspire yourself and make the great soaps! Help us to keep our tutorials free of costs for all, give them to the others, as we are doing.
Oh dear Sukisu, once you let your knowledge 'into the air', you can't control its distribution any more! I know you must be feeling furious about someone's aweless intention to sell what is yours, but I don't think that he/she can actually make money this way. People are more cautious when giving their money to someone (at least I think so) and there is mighty Google to help them discover all great free stuff on the internet!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm glad I have found your blog (it was through Pinterest, where someone pinned your soaps), so I can honestly give you the credit for this lovely, simple technique. By the way, all your soaps look interesting, you're so inspirational. (P.S. What does the first site seifee.blogspot have to do with you?)
The two sites belongs to extremely talented persons who are sharing the tutorials, not to me. They are not selling them but the others do. Promoting their work is my way to say: "It is free, and will stay so!" I have no attention to prove who made what, who was the first one. As you say, we are not controlling it. When someone asks you how to make something, you explain it. This is what I call honest sharing. When you find the tutorials, you share the links to them. You are doing your best, and I'm thankful for that.
DeleteI've made my blog to show to the others some possibilities of design, not "my soaps". To inspire others and make them think about simple things they can use to make something interesting. To show that there is always something to explore and many ways to reach it. To inspire them to go farther than I did. And to make people laugh, also :)
Oh,I know Dandelion soaps, that's why I was wondering what's the connection between two of you! You all are great artists and great persons, as well!
DeleteThanks for checking my blog, I'll be glad to have you back here, your comment will be appreciated!
Moja braceda go proba OMH sapunot i mi kaza deka e prezadovolna:)) Taa ima mrsna koza na liceto i rece deka ovoj sapun i odgovara mnnogu,i go iscitil liceto,ne i ja isusuva kozata i go obozava negoviot piling efekt:))
ReplyDeleteVo nejzino ime Vi blagodaram Maja:)
Pozdrav Zorica
Pa mozela i taa da ni se javi so vpecatoci, :-)
DeleteZnaci, taka se resivte Zorice da gi probate nasite proizvodi?
Nee Maja:-)) Jas i zboruvav za Diva proizvodite vo momentot konkretno za sapunite i taa posaka odma da proba nekoj od niv i jas i go dadov primerokot od OMH sapunot [ :-( haha ] sto mi go prativte so Natalie sapunot i taka taa go proba :-))) Inaku jas sama si go pronajdov blogot na net:))) i kozava mi e vecno blagodarna :-)
Aaa, znaci taka!
DeleteNovata tura na OMH e gotova, no bese vednas rezervirana i ostanaa samo nekolku parcinja. Ne ni stignav da gi stavam tie nekolku parcinja vo prodavnicata, no ke se potudam denes.
Pozdrav za dvete! :-)