Хелооо евриуоне,
Летово беше кратко, но можеме да се надеваме дека нема да не напушти барем уште малку. Што се однесува до мене, јас не можам да се откажам од него така лесно :-)
Иако почнува сезона на есенски сапуни низ целиот наш сапунџиски свет, што значи, мириси со зачински, слаткасти, и потешки ноти и пастелни бои, земјани тонови, јас морам да признаам дека не марам многу за оваа пракса. Лично, не сум некој љубител на зачински мириси и секако не сум определена по годишни сезони, кога се во прашање моите сапуни.
Овој сапун го направив уште пред дваестина дена, кога по прв пат ја пробав свилата што ја добив летово.
Сапунот го нареков 'Рабарбара' поради тоа што мирисот во него се вика 'Рабарбара и крем', па веројатно ќе ве асоцира на некоја посластица. Но, иако има слаткасти ноти, овој мирис нема врска со кулинарските мајстории. Силен е, малку свеж, малку сладок, но навистина е нешто единствено што сте го помирисале.
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Рабарбара - Фото извор |
Растението рабарбара се користи како додаток на разни слатки. Некој ја смета за зеленчук, но поголем дел на светот е прифатена како овошје.
Се користат стебленцата, кои најпрвен се варат и од кои се прави крем, кој потоа се користи за колачи, пити, или пак со некое печење. Интересна билка, со ништо помалку интересен мирис
Сапунот содржи, покарај сите основни масла што ги користиме, и ши путер, а направен е со козјо млеко.
Состав / Ingredients: Сапонифицирани масла/ Saponified oils -Маслиново (Sodium olivate), Кокосово (Sodium Cocoate), Палмино (Sodium palmate), Рицинусово (Sodium Castorate), Ши путер (Sodium Shea Butterate), Масло од маслодајна репка (Sodium Canolate), козјо млеко (goat milk), природни козметички пигменти (pigments), мирис (fragrance), свила (slik).
Hello everyone,
This summer seems to have been so short to me and I can give it up. Not yet! I know everyone is putting themselves into a autumn soap making gear, creating all those pumpkin, spicy, earth toned soaps, which are beautiful, but I must admit, I don't care much for season when contemplating my designs, choosing my colours and fragrances. I'm obviously behind the fashion type of soap maker, so it wouldn't be strange if I used some summer- screaming scent in the middle of winter. In winter, I covet for summer and the great way to retrieve it is to have a bath 'with it'.I didn't soap much this season, that's maybe one reason more for keeping up with summer, all those new fragrances are still awaiting and many of them are so delicious and summery. Just can't help it!
And then, there were our trips to Greece (and elsewhere), which I enjoyed tremendously and my ardent book reading nature was aroused, that I gladly took this soap- thinking break!
If you're curious to see what book was occupying my mind and hands for the past few days, from the first to the last cover page, here it is: Gone Girl!
Exciting and unexpectable thriller, which ends rather twisted!
So, after a long soap making hiatus, I think I'll be able to roll up my sleeves again.
Now, back to the soaps!
The first one I called 'Rabarbara', because it's how we call Rhubarb! An interesting , exotic name we have for this interesting plant. I haven't eaten rhubarb, but I will certainly look for it through the stores and give it a try (even though I don't know what I am supposed to do with it, once I get it!!). I was told that this fragrance really resembles the real smell of the the real rhubarbs, which makes me curious even more.
The scent I used for his soap is called 'Rhubarb & Custard'. I'm not good at describing scents, and specially not if the scent takes no particular side- it's not neither too sweet, nor tart (but it's both), neither flowery, nor fruity, not even close to spicy, nor earthy, which makes my descriptive ability end here.
Edited: Fragrance description given by the supplier (not very wordy,though):
As for this particular one: A blend of sharp fresh rhubarb with rich sweet custard, smells just like those fabulous sweets,
Edited: Fragrance description given by the supplier (not very wordy,though):
As for this particular one: A blend of sharp fresh rhubarb with rich sweet custard, smells just like those fabulous sweets,
And for the 'Rhubarb' (plain): Sharp tangy zingy rhubarb, lovely and fresh and summery.
These both soaps were made twenty days ago, but I couldn't seem to get some decent photos. I still can't, but here are the best I could get.
This soap contains goats milk, shea butter and for the first time- silk! If you're wondering what these little specks are- they are goat milk! My lye/milk solution got too cold by the time I used it (this is where my naughty kid takes the credit ,again) and I could clearly see the milk fat separated into these specks. I thought it might dissolve when I stick blend the batter, which apparently, wasn't the case
Покрај овој, летово имав посебна нарачка за целата тура на 'Himalayan', кој се покажа како идеален сапун за летен период. Ви ја чисти кожата, а ја остава мека, хидридарирана и мазна. За сега, сите со нормален и мрсен тип на кожата, се воодоушевија со карактеристиките на овој сапун. Се надевам дека Наташа (која ја порача целата тура) ќе може да ужива во него и во карактеристичната, влажна и врнежлива лондонска клима. Исто така, се надевам дека сите кои го добија овој сапун во наградната игра, која што ја организиравме преку нашата ФБ страница, ќе ги споделат своите впечатоци со нас.
Еве го солениот хималајски сапун како изгледа сега:
This is my second batch of 'Himalayan' soap, which I made on request of my sister in law, who loves its first version. This one is still curing and I hope she will like it even more, considering а few twists I made. The first is goat milk, instead of coconut milk, the second one is less pink himalayan salt added (60%), and the last one is- silk, again! I wish I'd added even less salt this time, but as she adores my first 'Himalayan', I decided to keep high percentage of salt. The soap is significantly smoother, what is probably due to silk, as well. It's fragrance and colourants free, as it is usually used as a facial bar.
Пак го оставив без мириси и бои, бидејќи се користи специјално како сапун за лице и го користат и оние со проблематична и осетлива кожа.
Основната рецептура остана иста, со мала промена на количината на додадена сол (сега ја има помалку), и промена на млекото. Првата верзија беше со кокосово, а сега е со козјо млеко.
И има уште една новина во овој сапун, а тоа е СВИЛА!
Сега навистина очекувам овој сапун да биде уште подобар за сите кои го сакаат, а веќе се приметува неговата помазна структура, што ја дава свилата.
Се надевам дека не сте се одвикнале од нашите постови и блогот, бидејќи и во новата сезона ќе имаме разни новини и прекрасни креации за секого од вас!
Ви благодарам на читањето и ви посакувам убав викенд!
To be honest, I hope you have missed my blog-posts (bye, bye modesty!), a half as much as I missed writing and posting and reading your comments, but now I hope you haven't found it cluttered with the info amount, I accidentally happened to provide here! :-)
I wish you all beautiful upcoming weekend!
Drago nam je da si se vratila. Nedostajala si nam! :) Oba sapuna izgledaju odlično, samo me jedno jako kopka... a to je svila. Kakav je osećaj kada se kupaš sa sapunom u kom ima svile, ne mogu da zamislim.
ReplyDeleteMarija, jos ga nisam probala,ali cim budem-javljam. Od svih koji su koristili/probali svilu u sapunu,cula sam samo pohvale. Kazu da je razlika osetna i da stvarno osecas svileni dodir na kozi!
DeleteWhat beautiful colors you got in the rhubarb soap :) I also bought a rhubarb fo, but I don´t think that it smells anything like it. Still a very nice scent.
ReplyDeleteWe have grown rhubarb since I was a kid. Every spring my mum will make both rhubarb pie and this pudding type of dessert. In Finnish we call it kiisseli. (The dictionary says it is kissel in english but I have never heard of it.) The "kiisseli" is made of water boild rhubarb, potato flour and sugar. Very easy to make and delicious. Just remember to eat milk products when you eat rhubarb because it contains oxalic acid.
Haha, I can not judge the scent, I haven't tried neither other 'rhubarb' fragrance, nor the real one. Your recipe sounds like something I would like, cos I'm fond of those pudding/jelly sweets. It's so interesting that you had grown rhubarb yourself and I'm not even able to find it in the stores (checked one yesterday).
DeleteThanks for sharing,Marika. And if I happen to find some,I will consult with you on cooking it!
In Finland you get rhubarb in late spring - early summer, so it can be that it is not the right time of the year to get it.
DeleteInteresting, Marika! In Ex-USSR contries, we also know this dessert 'kiseli', which is also made the way you described :).
DeleteI did love them , and haven't made them for ages.
I have to laugh again, Marika. That's the reason I didn't find it yesterday! Because, I could swear I had seen it somewhere....
DeleteBy the way, did you know that you can color soap with rhubarb root?
DeleteNope, I did not! Does the colour stay the same, or does it can not survive alkali environment?
DeleteI have not tried it, but I red that you can infuse the root in oil and when you soap with the oil, you get a pink color. I think it was in NaKIN soap blog. I understood that it was the reaction with the lye that made the soap pink.
DeleteI just wonder how come you haven't tried it yet???? Having it on hand and not try it,.....that doesn't look like you at all! You must have forgotten this idea...! If I don't find it here, I must remember to look for it in spring. And maybe to save the rest of f.o. till then!
DeleteIt is not easy to get the roots and I don´t want to take some from my parents garden because then I won´t get any rhubarb pie in the summer. It is a very sensitive plant.
DeleteThen, I don't see other solution than you plant some yourself and enjoy it,while eating,or soaping it,LOL!
DeleteOk, Diva, you have to know that we missed you!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking of you in Greece, hope you enjoyed it!
Nice to know you get to read something with Gala, I haven't read ( a book so quickly) for some years, but I still have the hope one day ... :)
Your soaps look devine! Love the salt bar, and your exotic additive. You made me curious about this silk, how does it feel in soap...
And the rhubarb soap looks interesting, love its sweet colors!
Thanks Nat!
DeleteWell, as for reading,the only time I can read is late at night, when the princess is asleep. But then, I usually have so much other stuff to do... But, at the seaside, beach is the ideal place to take a book with you(that's when dad takes over) and in the afternoon, when she usually takes a nap. Now, I'm wanting more books....and more of the seaside....lol
I haven't tried either of those soaps, but I will update you on this...
Bas mi je drago da si uzivala u Grckoj ali mi je jos draze sto si objavila novi post! Nedostajala si nam! Oba sapuna su ti super a svila mislim da je ekstra dodatak. Javi obavezno utiske.
ReplyDeleteHvala Goco! Naravno da javljam!
DeleteBeautiful soaps Maja, welcome back! I love the colors in the rhubarb soap and I can imagine how good it must smell. I love your Himalayan soap too, those fluted hearts are too cute!
ReplyDeleteThanks Cee! I couldn't resist buying this hearts,even though I have enough silicone moulds which I rarely use. They are just perfect sized for solid butters, but I thought it would be good for salt soaps also.
DeleteBoth soaps are beautiful, Maja! The colorful swirls in the Rhubarb soap are very pretty, and Himalayan pink salt is so nice in soap! I haven't worked with silk, but I have tried some bars made by other soapmakers containing silk. It is such a luxurious ingredient!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenny! I will certainly report back with my impressions on silk! The swirls were not exactly what I was going for, but since my handmade, and obviously not reliable, divider leaked beneath, I just tossed it away and kept going with simple droplet/hanger technique! Was pretty pissed of, but in the end, wasn't that bad!
DeleteHope you had a lovely time away, Maja. Of course we missed you! I keep hearing about Gone Girl, so it was worth reading?
ReplyDeleteI like the way you think; I totally agree with you about not letting seasons affect the type of soaps I make and having a summery soap in winter is a great idea!
Rabarbara, what a great name for a beautiful soap. I bet it smells wonderful too.
Love your Himalayan soap! Your sister in law is one lucky gal to be able to put in an order for those.
Thanks Monica for welcoming,Monica!
DeleteGone Girl is exciting, you just can't stop reading, but I must admit I don't like the end. I expected to finish somewhat weird, but not the way it did. Anyway, good summer read!
Glad to hear that you also think that soap making doesn't have to correspond with seasons, but I never mind when someone thinks or does differently!
Ok, now you have ispired me to look for better desccription of rhubarb! Going upward to the post to edit it! Hmmmm, I should have come to this earlier, thanks,Monica!
I like so much the sweet colors of your Rabarbara soap !
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Aurel Jazz! I appreciate having you here, you're truly а soap artist!