Кога го исеков овој сапун, првата асоцијација ми беше: савана. Непрегледна, дива, пастелна...
Некако, како овој сапун:
Once I cut this soap (which was too early), my first thought was : Savanna! Vast, wild, all pastel...
Somewhat like this soap, maybe:
Once I cut this soap (which was too early), my first thought was : Savanna! Vast, wild, all pastel...
Somewhat like this soap, maybe:
Еве како сапунот изгледаше во модла:
Како ви се чини на вас?
Еве ги неколкуте слики кои што ги најдов на интернет, а кои сосема го доловија моето доживување:
Do you think it resembles savanna? I found some pics on the internet, which look as if I had created this soap based on them.
![]() фото извор |
![]() фото извор |
![]() фото извор |
Името само се наметна, а боите ги избрав врз основа на самиот мирис. Целиот сапун сега делува складно- боите одат со мирисот, а двата, со изгледот на овој сапун.
Оваа мирисна композиција помеѓу останатото содржи мирис од сок од брусница, иглички од елка, каранфилче и ванила. Овој мирис е секако впечатлив и со многу зелени и земјани ноти во себе, делува разбудувачки и потикнувачки, а ќе ве подсети на празнична зимска атмосфера, покрај елката.
The name came by itself and colours I opted for were chosen to fit the scent. In my mind, at least. The fragrance is described as an uplifting combination of cranberry juice, bayberry, fir needles, clove & vanilla. If you ask me, I'd say there are fir needles (and all ever green needles), clove and other earthy, woody notes. It will take you to warm and cozy Christmas evening, next to your Christmas tree and lit candles. I think this scent, colours and complete look of this soap match ideally!
Интересно е дека овој сапун е обоен со природни глини. Поради мирисот, намерно ги одбрав овие земјани пастелни тонови и мислам дека се одлично вклопени со него. Инаку, овие глини не се со терапевтски дејствиа туку се користат само како природни колоранти.
This soap is coloured with all natural clays. These are not therapeutic clays, they are meant to be used only in colouring purposes. I think they are great and give such a nice pastel colours.
Овој сапун содржи извонредни какао и ши путер, но по прв пат ја пробав и свинската маст. Ја ставив само 5%, но мислам дека, во некоја друга прилика, ќе ставам и повеќе.
Свинската маст, всушност дава многу бенефити на кожата- ја омекнува, и дава влажност и ја негува. Што се однесува до сапуните, во нашата терминологија, препорачана негувачка вредност на сапун се движи помеѓу 44-69. Свинската маст има вредност 52, ши путер 54, авокадово масло 70 итн. Како што гледате, не е случајно што многу козметички препарати се прават токму врз база на свинска маст. Не е тајна дека многи фармацевтски компании ја користаат во своите креми и други производи (нпр Dr. Theiss).
Зошто некој ја избегнува свинската маст?
Прво,на некого не му делува убаво кога ќе ја види состојката: “свинска маст“ на етикетата.
Второ, наш потрошувач првин ќе помисли на сапуни кои што ги правиле нашите баби , сапун кој се користел за алишта (а можеби и за бањање).
Но, тој сапун бил правен само од свинска маст,и по состав не е ни блиску до сапуните кои денес се изработуваат. Уште нешто, тогаш количината на сода се одредувала по нечиј рецепт, по метода “ми кажа- ти кажав“, а денеска постојат фини калкулатори со кои се одредува точната количина на сода за секој грам на маст.
Во денешните работилници за изработка на сапуни, свинската маст се користи само да би се потенцирале нејзините корисни дејствиа, во синергија со другите масла и путери.
For the first time, I used lard. I added only 5%,, but this percnetage surely could be increased. Lard soaps fantastically and I know it gives smooth, silky feel to the soap. It could be slimy, too, if used at greater amounts. Similar as castille, I would say. I don't think 5% is significant amount to affect its properties, but for my first go, I just wanted to keep it low.
Lard is often considered as a inferior fat in soap making, but did you know it has great conditioning value: in scale 44-69 for conditioning value in soap calculator, lard stands at 52. For the collation: Shea butter is at 54, avocado oil at 70, etc. Also, it gives a great creaminess.
The other side of the medal is that it doesn't make great label appeal.
Of course, as announced earlier, there is silk in it, along with shea and cocoa butter.
The only thing I did wrong is having cut it too early. It was still soft, but the devil in me couldn't wait any longer. Luckily, it won't affect the soap's neither aesthetic, nor essential properties!
Се разбира, овој сапун содржи и чиста, природна свила. Tука се и ши и какао путер за екстра нега и хидратација.
Се надевам дека ви се допадна мојата 'Савана'! А признајте, и ригите асоцираат на зебра!
До скоро, кога ќе видите еден огнен сапун,
Состав / Ingredients: Сапонифицирани масла/ Saponified oils - Maслиново масло (Sodium olivate), Кокосово (Sodium Cocoate), Палмино (Sodium palmate), Рицинусово (Sodium Castorate), Ши путер (Sodium Shea Butterate), Какао путер (Sodium Cocoa butterate), Свинкса маст (lard), Масло од маслодајна репка (Sodium Canolate), шеќер (sugar), природни глини (clays), мирис (fragrance), природна свила (silk)
I hope you like my 'Savanna'. And... you must admit, it even resembles zebra!
Until my next, crimson, 'fire thrower' soap,
Stay well my friends!
The colors in this soap are very bright, intense and summery. Reminds me of why I want the warm weather to stay. =)
ReplyDeleteOh Anne-Marie, I'm so desperately trying to prolong it, at least through my soaps. But, this one smells more earthy and woody than I imagine summer scents!
DeleteI really like the pastel colors and the design, and Savanna is such a beautiful name to go with your equally beautiful soap!
ReplyDeleteSometimes, name just hits me when I cut the soap, but sometimes it gives me such a hard thinking time, as my next one to be presented here.
DeleteThanks Silvia for your kind words, I really appreciate it!
I love all of the colors you got with the clay. Beautiful and warm! Lard is very nice and creamy in soap. It gives it a silkiness. I've used it up to 30% in my soaps before.
ReplyDeleteYes MIlla, I have read about lard and I tried someone else's lard soap, it was really silky. I just wanted to give it a try, no matter if its amount is insignificant to show its beautiful properties. Next time, I'll add more. Thanks for your comment!
DeleteDid you stop using it, or do you use it at smaller percentage?
This is one of the most cheerful soap I have seen lately, Maja!
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful name for such a beautiful soap!
Oh,thanks dear,it's such a compliment!
DeleteI do like Savanna! Can´t stop thinking about how you did those beautiful swirls. And I was almost in x-mas spirit when I red the scent description. It could also be because we got the first snow flakes yesterday and it is over 2 moths earlier than last year.
ReplyDeleteCAN NOT BELLIEVE IT! SNOW! Ohhhh, no,that reminds me the winter is coming! Hate it!
DeleteI have to admit, it was such a hustle to make this soap. I spilled one plastic cup of coloured soap, luckily on the my counter, then I had to put it back, meanwhile my soap was sitting there in the mould tilted and leaned against another container, threatening to fall and...well it was tough.
Basically, I put the mould tilted on one side and poured all coloures alternatig them, all way until used half of each. Then, I turned it round and tilted again (this time it was another side,right) and poured the rest. Sure, as mould was getting filled, I was straightening it, but pouring colours just along that edge. Then, boom-bam onto the counter to get all layer even and that's it. I expected to see different strip pattern, but I'm happy with how it turned out. I didn't want to make tilted tiger, so many people have been making it lately, so I kinda feel I have already made it (ha,ha), but I wanted to try something that will look totally different and colourful.
Hope you got the idea now of how I made it!
I was wondering also how you achieved the beautiful design. I don't know when I will be ready for such complex task! But it looks totally worth it!
DeleteNow, that I know how it comes out, I would do it differently next time. The first round of pour I would keep the same (with the mould tilted on one side), but then I would just pour along the opposite side (the mould still tilted on the same side and slowly lowered with the mould filling up ). I think this way it would like I had envisioned it! You could try it, doesn't seem to be scary, does it? If you don't spill something along the way, or make other mess, like I did, then it can be simply! :-)
DeleteGorgeous soap, Maja! I love those swirls and the colors. Savanna is a perfect name for it!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jan, I really appreciate it!
DeleteI was going to ask how you come up with the names, but I see you've already sort of answered that in response to Silvia's comment. I love the name Savana for this soap and yes, I can see the landscape in your soap but also the majestic beauty and ferocity of the animals that live there as well. Very creative Maja!
ReplyDeleteThanks Monica! I wanted soap to be swirled and colorful,but had no idea it was going to look like this. But, as I was cutting it, the name just came itself and I like when it happens.
DeleteGorgeous design! There is such a variety that one can reach with zebra swirls... Your colour mix is a definite winner!
ReplyDeleteThanks Madame Propre and welcome to the blog! Zebra swirling is very attractive, but I kinda dislike the 'inserted' look it usually gives. I was going to achive evenly distributed thin layers throughout the soap, insted in one part only.
DeleteTrue, it can look constrained. I like your blog very much! Haven't had time to read all your old posts yet... but I will!
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you, please do! I accidentally came across your lovely blog recently and I will also look at it better!