Се збурува дека Клеопатра имала свои тајни да ги заведе најголемите војсководци на тогашно време: Цезар, а потоа и Марко Антоние. Некои од тајните се откривени, така да денес знаеме да Клеопатра обожавала да се бања во млеко и мед. Клеопатра живеела во екстремни услови, за што и била потребна и посебна нега. Таа знаела дека млекото ќе и ја омекне кожата, која трпи секојдневно излагање на сонце и прашина, а медот дека ќе и ја чува влажноста, која на нејзината кожа најмногу и треба. Не е чудно што некои рецепти за убавина се применуваат со векови, и покрај тоа што денес на располагање имаме многу технолошки напредни производи.
Мед и млеко, за бања како на Клеопатра!
It's been said that Cleopatra had had her secret weapon to conquer hearts of some of the greatest soldiers of the ancient world: Caesar and Marc Anthony! Some of her secrets were, however, revealed, so today we know she had adored to soak her body into a milk & honey bath! Cleopatra had lived in severe, extreme climate, where she had needed extra care for her skin. Having lived in such conditions, always exposed to sun and dust, she had known that milk would soften her skin , and honey would keep its moisture stay in there. So, it's not strange that some ancient beauty recipes has survived up to today, regardless the modern technology has been bringing to us,... I just will say, a diversity.
Milk & Honey soap, for a bath such Cleopatra's!
Се сеќавате ли како изгледаше Елизабет Тејлор во улогата на Клеопатра:
Do you remember Elisabeth Taylor starring Cleopatra?
Не знам да ли Клеопатра имала токму оваква сенка за очи, или то било поради уметничкиот ефект за да ги истакне преубавите, виолетови очи на Елизабет Тејлор, но сигурно е дека таа користила к'на и минерални пигменти за да ги обоји косата и очите. Токму такви пигменти, но пречистени во лабораторија, ние ги користиме за нашите сапуни денес.
I don't know whether Cleopatra really had worn this colour of eye shadow, or was it just an artistic effect to stress Elisabeth's beautiful, violet eyes, but I know she must have been using henna for her hair and mineral pigments for her make-up. Exactly what we use today for our soapmaking. Even better, we use them after they are purified in the labs.
Овој сапун направен е со козјо млеко и мед, со додаток на какао путер.
Мирисот во него е исто така Мед&Млеко.
This soap has been made with goat milk and honey, along with cocoa butter.
Fragrance is also 'Milk&Honey'
Јас бев инспирирана да го фоткам овој сапун на сто начини, па ви ги презентирам фотките и на вас.
I was kind of inspired to take photos of this soap, so I'm presenting to you some of them.
Убав сапун,нели?
А плус и богат со дивни состојки, кои нема да ве остават рамнодушни.
Do you like it? I do!
Следете 'Diva Soap' и понатаму, следат разни, нови сапуни, како и една специјална понуда во сет!
Ви благодарам на посетата и што останавте со мене до крај на ова античка приказна!
Се надевам дека ви се допадна!
Thanks for visiting and staying with me til the end of this story!
Hope you have liked it!
Состав / Ingredients: Сапонифицирани масла/ Saponified oils - Maслиново масло (Sodium olivate), Кокосово (Sodium Cocoate), Палмино (Sodium palmate), Рицинусово (Sodium Castorate), Масло од маслодајна репка (Sodium Canolate), Какао путер (Sodium Cocoa Butterate), Козјо млеко (Goat milk), мед (honey), какао прав (cocoa powder), природни пигменти (pigments), мирис (fragrance)
Predivan sapun, Maja! Stvarno moram da priznam da mi se jako sviđa. Kako si lepo opisala tačno mogu da zamislim jednu mlečnu kupku kako to ljudi obično zamišljaju idilično. Ali onda mi je sinulo kako bi to smrdelo! Ljudi nemaju pojma kako mleko i sirevi smrde (znam iz prve ruke verujte mi (a obožavam mleko i mlečne proizvode)), kad ti uđe miris mleka pod kožu malo ćeš ga teže oprati! U svakom slučaju mogu da maštam! Puno pozdrava!
ReplyDeleteZdravo Marija, dugo te nije bilo! Ne brini, ovaj sapun sigurno ne smrdi/mirise na (pravo) mleko, ono je u njemu,ali vec saponifikovano, ali zato je mirisno ulje za ovaj sapun prava poslastica,njam-njam!
DeleteSigurna sam da je Kleopatra znala neki trik (mozda etericna ulja,ili razni biljni pripravci)i da nije imala problem sa smradom!
Hvala ti na komentaru, nadam se da ti dobro ide!
Tu sam ja uvek. Hvala što brineš :). Ja se iskreno nadam da je znala neki trik, pošto je sigurno ostajao trag za njom. Moj bivši gazda je imao par stotina litara mleka viška i dosetio se da ga iskoristi kao i Kleopatra, u kupki. Rekao je da nije kao što je očekivao. Pošto je bilo punomasno mleko uspelo je nekako da se izbućka u maslac koji se lepio za kožu i da se osetio dva dana. Da mi neko ponudi mlečnu kupku elegantno bih odbila, ali sapun sa mlekom i mlečnim proizvodima nikad. Pogotovo ako su tvoji :).
DeleteHvala ti!
Love it! The royal colours are perfect. So in other words, this soap is fit for a queen.
ReplyDeleteThanks Monica,you're so kind! I like how it turned out,but I'm not sure if all three swirled colours are visible, the yellow seems to have blended into orange! Looks better in person! :-)
DeleteSuch a stunning soap Maja! Absolutely beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThanks,Roxana! :-)
DeleteFenomanalno kao i uvek! Lepa ideja da se ukomponuju sve ove boje. A meni se cini da uspevam da osetim taj miris "Milk&Honey" koji je i meni jedan od omiljenih.
ReplyDeleteHvala ti, Goco! Stvarno je dobar miris, sada ga prvi put koristim,ali verovatno ne i poslednji!
DeleteYour beautiful soap makes me think if I should also take milk baths :) It could be really good for the skin during winter. I have two questions for you: how did you make those pretty swirls? and does Milk&Honey smell the same as oatmeal, milk & honey? I´m looking for a fo that would not be so sweet.
ReplyDeleteMarika, Marija Jovin (in her comments above) wrote that on her job, the owner had had a huge amount of milk he hadn't know what to do with. So, he thought he might try some for his bath. He told her later that it was an awful experience, because the milk actually was stinking in the bath and his skin couldn't recover from that odour for days. So, if you still want to try, go ahead and tell us how it has felt. On the other hand, milk probably should be used as an additive, not as a whole liquid.
DeleteAs for the swirl, it's a droplet/hanger technique. I did it here: http://divasoap.blogspot.com/2013/04/lets-twist.html and here: http://divasoap.blogspot.com/2013/03/3-s-sensitive-skin-soap.html and also with other soaps ('Citrus Symphony', 'Firework' etc), and the final look depends on the amount of portion,taken out of the basic one. To get this kind of look, I took a half of the batter out(or even more) for the swirled colours and the left rest for the brown.
This fragrance IS sweet, but I like it. I don't know how OMH smells like, but I suppose any similar fragrance will be sweet, due to vanilla content in it!
Thanks for your sweet words!
Wow, this is a soap for Divas :)
ReplyDeleteYour post made me want to make some milk baths, Maja!
The swirls are very interesing, how did you get them? And love the way you combined the colors!
OOOOh, thanks Nat! I have just translated to Marika the comments by Marija Jovin, regarding the milk bath! Also, Marika asked the same about the swirls, see the explanation above! Hope it helps.
DeleteWhat beautiful soap, the colors are perfect and you nailed the blue that Elizabeth is wearing!!! Gorgeous and decadent...no doubt, a soap fit for a queen!
ReplyDeleteThanks Cee! I like how it came out, which is not always the case! This time it was going smoothly and nicely! I suppose I deserved to make one batch with no particular issues, hi,hi!
DeleteI love the name and inspiration for this soap - it's perfect! It came out exactly as I would picture a Cleopatra-inspired soap would be. Love the creativity!
ReplyDeleteIt's such a compliment,Chrissy, thanks!
DeleteI love this turquoise in general, but I was afraid it would change after going through saponification process! Luckily, it's still there!
This soap is gorgeous, and I love how you used the inspiration of Cleopatra as your color guide. =)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Anne-Marie!
Very pretty, Maja! I love those swirls! Milk and honey are two of my favorite ingredients in soap, and they're even better together. I'll bet the Milk and Honey FO smells great, too. Cleopatra would love this soap!
ReplyDeleteYes Jenny, it smells strong and sweet. Maybe not too summer-y scent, but I make seasonal difference only when it comes to perfumes, not soaps, so....I don't mind its sweetness. Thanks for your comment, can't wait to see new 'film' of yours-lol (hopefully, less dramatic)!