Здраво, читатели на 'Diva Soap' блогот!
Глините се познати по своите својства како добри прочистувачи на телото и кожата. Се користат како за екстерна, така и за орална употреба. Кога се пијат, глините помагаат при лечењето на чир на желудец, заболувања на џигер, цисти, разни тумори, бубрежни тегоби реума, ишијас, лумбаго итн.
На кожата пак, делуваат така што ги чистат порите, помагаат кај акнеста кожа, па не е ни чудно што најчесто се користат како маски за лице. Исто така, глината се користи и кај потешките кожни проблеми, како што се чиреви.
Се извинувам на мојата женска читачка публика (а знам дека е побројна), но денес имаме еден сапун со машки мирис, токму со глина.
Ветувам дека наскоро ќе се појави и сапун со глина, кој ќе биде дел од 'Natural Diva' линијата, т.е. без мириси и бои, за оние со многу осетлива кожа
Но, глините имаат уште една примена, која, за нас жените е, помалку битна. Глините се користат како составен дел на сапуни наменети за бричење. Токму тоа, ние ќе го провериме со овој сапун.
Глината ќе ја даде густа пена, токму онаква каква им треба на мажите за добро бричење, додека козјото
млеко и какао путерот ќе ја направат кремаста и нежна, со извондредни хирдирачки способности.
Секако, никаде не пишува дека сапунот не е и за дами!!!
Секако, никаде не пишува дека сапунот не е и за дами!!!
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Do you think it's а good foam for a good shave? 8th curing day! |
Во моментов, сапунот е стар осум дена, има одлична пена, а ако го протриете помеѓу дланките на минута, ја добивате оваа густа пена, со која мислам дека секој маж може да се избричи. Кога потполно ќе стаса овој сапун, мојот ‘тестер‘ , секако ќе го проба.
Сапунот е направен со 100% козјо млеко и додаток на какао путер. Направен е по нашата рецептура за подобро чистење, а тоа го потенцира глината и активниот јаглен. Благодарејќи на овие состојки, како и адекватна рецептура, овој сапун е идеален за мрсна и проблематична кожа.
Го искористив убавото време и мојата тераса за да направам овие надворешни снимки.
Ако ви се допадна овој сапун, следете ја нашата ФБ страница, за да видите кога ќе се појави во албумот ‘Моментално достапни сапуни‘
Ви благодарам за читањето и бидете ми добро!
Hello my English readers! I'm trying really hard to make it easier for you to follow my blog, because I know how web translators can suck, but forgive me for brief info I usually give in English!
This soap is made with cosmetic clay which is actually mix of different clay ingredients, which every cosmetic clay consists of (kaolinite, montmorillonite, illite and hydromuscovite) and could be used externally, for different skin disorders (mostly related to oily and problematic skin- acne, pimples and more serious ones- boils, ulcer), or orally, for gastric ulcer, liver regeneration, kidney issues, etc.
I used this clay for the whole batch (not for the embeds, however).
The soap contains 100% goats milk and cocoa butter, along with activated charcoal and slightly higher percentage of coconut oil for greater cleaning properties.
It's manly scented, because it could be used for shaving, as well. I haven't made strictly shaving soaps so far, but for its cleansing power and thick foam this soap produces, I think it could serve men's needs. Or, woman's, why not!?
It remains to be seen what my human (man) 'tester' will say about its shaving properties, once it fully cures!
As you can see above, in the caption of demo picture, this soap has been cured eight days only at the moment of testing.
I hope its performances will only improve with time, but I'm really satisfied with what I've got as a result now.
Thanks for reading, dear friends and take care!
P.S. I noticed recently that 'Followers' gadget appeared on my blog!? It wouldn't that strange, if I hadn't installed it on my template at the very beginning! For some reason, Blogger wouldn't let the gadget show up on my blog (it was dismissed at some point last year), and kept insisted to install Google+ gadget, instead. I don't use much Google+, nor I like it, but I suppose I'm not the only one, as Blogger has put the 'Followers' gadget back now! I find this gadget the easiest way to follow others' blogs and I see some of you has already clicked it on my blog. So, if you've been using some other way to follow my blog , now it gets even easier with the 'Followers' button! Thanks!
Состав / Ingredients: Сапонифицирани масла/ Saponified oils - Маслиново (Sodium olivate), Кокосово (Sodium Cocoate), Палмино (Sodium palmate), Рицинусово (Sodium Castorate), Сончогледово (Sodium Sunflowerate), Какао путер (Sodium Cocoa Butterate), Козјо млеко (Goat milk), активен јаглен (Аctivated charcoal), козметичка глина (clay), козметички пигменти (cosmetic pigments), мирис (fragrance).
Beautiful, Maja! It looks so creamy in the pics..I bet the clay feels really nice! I agree that the Followers gadget is the easiest way to follow other blogs. I think I was using your blog link to follow, but don't always see your updates. I should be able to see your posts from now on! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks,Kalla for following my blog- one way, or another,lol! I hated Blogger for dismissing this gadget and directed me to G+, but now,... I will forgive them!
DeleteThe clay really makes a difference! It feels creamy, yes, but also the lather is denser and more stable. We'll see how this one will turn out after it has cured long enough!
Very nice Maja! I really like how creamy the lather is :).
ReplyDeleteThanks,Roxana,i'm looking forward to hearing your experience with using your new clay soap!
DeleteBravo Maja, sapun izgleda predivno! Nema sumnje da ce biti izvrstan kad odstoji jos malo. Obavesti nas dalje kako je proslo testiranje.
ReplyDeleteHvala to,Goco! Verovatno ću na fb objaviti iskustvo kad dodje vreme da ga postavim u album dostupnih sapuna! A i ti bi trebalo da nas obavestiš kako je ispao onaj sa zeolitom!
DeleteLovely! And that looks like great shaving lather, thick and stable!
ReplyDeleteI just copied and pasted your blog link to follow you in blogger, and google translate works well for me. :)
Thanks Laura for following and commenting! It's really thick now,I suppose it will be even thicker with time.
DeleteI'm glad G translate works properly (it's not all the time,though),but for the android users (i'm one of those),it's much easier not to use it!
What a lovely rich lather, it looks almost lotion-y (that's not a real word Cee!) It looks like it will be wonderful for shaving, and I love the colorful soap too, very eye-catching.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you pointed out your 'Followers' gadget, I looked for it but didn't see it when you first started your blog, so I'm glad you have it now :)
Thanks Cee for your nice words and I'm glad you come up with new words,that means I can,too,lol!
DeleteLuckily,ever since I installed it,I never removed the followers button from my layout! It was there all the time,just wasn't visible on the blog! Otherwise,I would have never known it was available again!
Wow, this is one of the most beautiful soaps I have ever seen! The colors mach perfectly and are so harmonious. The lather looks just perfect for shaving soap and I agree with Cee, it looks like lotion.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is one of the greatest compliment I've ever got! Thanks so much,Marika! I just saw you liked my fb page,thanks for that,also!
DeleteAwkward,but your comment went straight to spams,I had to move it from there! I've been receiving downy comments lately,but that was not a case with yours! Really weird!
Delete.spamy comments....
Delete(Android always choose a word which is intergrated within its glossary memory, it's never 'heard' of 'spammy', so chose 'downy' instead)
Hi,hi, I always have this happening to me..
What a gorgeous design! The colors have a very warm and earthy feel and it really makes your soap stand out.
ReplyDeleteThanks,Anne-Marrie, i really appreciate you took a time to commenting (knowing that you've been occupied with the baby)!
Deletethank you for translating your post to English, you do make more sense than a computer translator. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a beautiful looking soap and I like how it lathers up so well.
Oh,you're welcome,Monica! I follow many non-English blogs and I really hate using translator, so I know how easier is for anyone to read original text,than translated one! Thanks for being so nice!
DeleteI really appreciate you translating your posts into English, too, Maja. Translators can be wonky sometimes, and English doesn't appear as an option in the Google Translate gadget's dropdown menu here, which is strange. (Maybe I've screwed something up and it's just me.) Anyway, your soap is beautiful! I love your colorful swirls and embeds. I'll bet it will make a great shaving soap!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenny! Really, I just checked out- there is no english on dropdown list, but I went to other blogs, there is not there either! Funny, first chosen leanguage by half of the world isn't there!
DeleteI see now how good is that I translate my posts,lol!
Wow, your soap looks so exotic, Maja!Love the design!
ReplyDeleteOne of the most beautiful soaps I have recently seen!
Thanks Nat,it's such a compliment to me! Welcome back!