Денес ви претсатвувам уште едно убаво сапунско пакетче. Ово ни доаѓа од далечната и мистериозна земја,Финска.
Марика беше таа која ја организираше размената помеѓу нас трите (јас, Марика и Наталија) и јас едвај чекав да ми пристигнат нивните сапуни. Таа е исто така пасиониран сапунџија и секогаш е спремна за разни експерименти со нови производи, нови состојки, разни форми на сапуни, а сето тоа го прави одлично.
Today, I'm opening to you another soap package. This one is coming from distant and mysterious Finland. Marika was the one who had organized the soap swap among three of us (two of us+ Natalia) and I was so looking forward to receiving their soaps. Marika is a passionate soapmaker, goes always for new experiments, new ingredients and product, different shapes of soaps and she does that really great. Here it is what her package contained.
Today, I'm opening to you another soap package. This one is coming from distant and mysterious Finland. Marika was the one who had organized the soap swap among three of us (two of us+ Natalia) and I was so looking forward to receiving their soaps. Marika is a passionate soapmaker, goes always for new experiments, new ingredients and product, different shapes of soaps and she does that really great. Here it is what her package contained.
Еве што беше во пакетчето на Марика
Левиот е сапун со мирис на "Snow Angel" и морам да признам дека овој ме купи со необичниот мирис и веселите бои.
Десниот е пак со мирис на "gingerbread", т.е. со мирис на зачините како цимет, морско оревче, кардамом и сл.,кои сите се зачини за зимски посластици. Навистина и мириса на некој колач и мојот сопруг го засака од прв пат! Двата се со сојино млеко и двата се преубави.
Her both soaps are somehow related to winter. On the left,there is a soap, scented with "Snow Angel" fragrance and I have to admit it really got me with its smell and cheerful colours. On the right is the"Gingerbread" soap, scented with... do I need to tell? Hubby loves it! Both soaps are with soy milk and both are wonderful. I will have to give a soy milk a try soon.
Her both soaps are somehow related to winter. On the left,there is a soap, scented with "Snow Angel" fragrance and I have to admit it really got me with its smell and cheerful colours. On the right is the"Gingerbread" soap, scented with... do I need to tell? Hubby loves it! Both soaps are with soy milk and both are wonderful. I will have to give a soy milk a try soon.
Јас прво го пробав "Snow Angel" и скоро дека го потрошив. Прави убава пена со меурчиња, а мириса прекрасно. Има некоја парфемска нота во тој мирис, како да сте се намирисале, а не капеле со него.
Не ми требаше долго да го пробам и другиот,a бидејќи не сум баш љубител на мирисот на цимет (кој ми е доминантен во ова мирисна композиција), сакав да го испробам. Се изненадив колку ми се допаѓаше! Ете, никогаш не тврдете дека нешто не сакате, додека не го пробате!
First, I tried "Snow Angel", almost finished! It lathers so nicely and bubbly and smells amazing. As if you took a bath with а perfume. I tried another one,too, though I'm not a real fan of cinnamon smell (which I detect first in this soap), but....gosh, I was surprised I liked it that much. A lesson 'don't judge what you haven't tried'-learnt!
First, I tried "Snow Angel", almost finished! It lathers so nicely and bubbly and smells amazing. As if you took a bath with а perfume. I tried another one,too, though I'm not a real fan of cinnamon smell (which I detect first in this soap), but....gosh, I was surprised I liked it that much. A lesson 'don't judge what you haven't tried'-learnt!
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Another aspect of Marika's soap- beautiful tops |
Еве уште една перспектива на сапуните на Марика. Таа направи прекрасни врвови, а и самиот облик на сапунот е необичен.
Јас Марика не ја познавам лично, се познаваме само преку нашата заедничка страст.
Би рекла дека Марика е романтична и топла душа, судејќи по нејзините сапуни. Топла душа во ладна Финска! И со прекрасни ракотворби!
Ти благодарам Марика за ова размена, едвај чекам некоја нова...
Се надевам дека ви се допадна што ви покажав денес, се гледаме наскоро со новите сапуни...
I don't know Marika in person, but from her soaps, I could tell she is a romantic and warm soul. A warm soul in cold Finland! And she makes beautiful soaps!
Thanks Marika for organizing this soap swap, I can't wait for another one.
Hope you like what I've showed you today, see you soon with another soap story
Nice presentation, Maja! The soap I am using now is't Marika's 'Gingerbread Soap', my favourite! Love everything about this soap, so delicious too!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, it's interesting to 'discover' someone through his/ her soaps, don't you think?
Have you seen my SOAP WORLD WIDE page?
DeleteNext one will be on your soaps.
I'm terribly belated with posting these reviews, but everything will be in its turn soon.
I almost finish both up, totally have been enjoying them!
I'm sure Marika is romantic, she might tell us if I'm right!
Just lovely, what a treat from Finland! I love Marika's blog too, she's always trying something new and exciting :)
ReplyDeleteI have gotten all beautiful soaps and I'm so happy I took part in this swap. The different soaps from different countries make me so excited and happy!
DeleteI almost cried reading this post! And sure I am softy that like beautiful things in life. Like the smell of spring after a long winter or yesterday I enjoyed when I felt the sun shining on my face (there hasn´t been sun in weeks, or should I say months).
ReplyDeleteThey say that Finland is the land of thousand lakes, but actually there are almost 190 000 lakes that are bigger than 500 square meter.
I know that there are hundreds of thausands lakes in Finland,it seems you have more water than land in your country.
DeleteI think people here,gotten used to having much of sunshine along the year,would be so depressive if had the climate as yours.
My both soaps are almost finished up and I really have enjoyed them.
Sorry for this belated post,at least I'm happy you like it.
Volim misterioznu finsku, mitove i mitologiju.... i vjerujem da ovi sapuni mirišu na nešto čarobno! :-)
ReplyDeleteDa,istina.Možda nikog nikad ne bih upoznala iz Finske,da nije bilo sapuna. Divni su svi sapuni koje dobijam,kao i osobe koje ih prave.
ReplyDeleteMarika's soaps are beautiful! Both the Snow Angel and Gingerbread look and sound fantastic. It is always fun to try another soapmaker's soaps!
ReplyDeleteYes Jenny,it's a real pleasure swapping soaps with others and I endlessly enjoy every single soap I get!
DeleteThanks for stopping by!
I love the Snow Angel, it's absolutely gorgeous! The colors and the blending are so magical. :)
ReplyDeleteI love it,too. And I love you're showing up regularly on my blog! Thanks!