


Во последно време, многу правам сапуни со козје млеко, или со некој друг вид на млечен производ или пак со друго млеко кое не е од животинско потекло. Ниту самата не знам кое млеко ми се  допаѓа повеќе во сапун.
Lately, I've been making a lots of my soaps with goats milk, or some other dairy product, or, on the other hand with some vegetable milk . I don't know myself which milk I could pick out as my favorite . 
Еве уште еден такав, со козје млеко и со ши и какао путер. Ги сакам и путерите во сапунот, но мора да признам дека повеќе ги сакам во сите "leave on" производи.
Долго немав смислено име за овој сапун, но го крстив: "Огномет" т.е. "Firework"!  Повелете, погледнете го:
Here it is another one with goats milk. Additionally, it contains shea and cocoa butter. I love butters in soap-who doesn't, but I must admit, I love them better in 'leave on' products.  For a long time I couldn't come up with an appropriate name for this soap and then it came to me it could be "Firework". 

Do you think it resembles the fireworks?

Од останатите состојки, тука е и бадемовото масло (које веќе е влезено во скоро сите рецептури).
На врвовоте се наоѓа глитер, кој иста така подсетува на огномет.

This soap contains also sweet almond oil -which has become a regular oil for most of my soaps and the glitter on the top- it really resembles the firework 

Се надевам дека уживате во празничната атмосфера со вашите најмили, а ние продолжуваме и во ова година со нашите сапунски авантури, затоа останете со нас!
I hope you've been enjoying holidays with your love ones, so have I. Now, starting another year with soapy adventures, stay tuned!

Состав (Ingredients): Mаслиново масло (Оlea Europaea), Кокосово масло (Cocos nucifera), Палмино масло (Elaeis guineensis), Натриум-хидроксид (Sodium-hydroxide- saponifying agent), Козје млеко (Goat milk), Дестилирана вода (Purified water), Какао путер (Theobroma cacao), Ши путер (Butyrospermum parkii), Бадемово масло (Prunus amygdalis dulcus), Рицинусово масло ( Ricinus communis ), бои (pigments and FD&C colours), светки (glitter), мирис (fragrance).


  1. Firework is a really good name. I think that the pattern inside the soaps resemble colorful fireworks.

  2. Wow, totally stunning Maja! A beautiful burst of colors, just like fireworks! Everything about it is perfect =)

  3. Beautiful, Maja! "Firework" is the perfect name for this soap. I love the bursts of color and the glitter on top. Happy New Year!

  4. Thank you,ladies! If I had know it would look like the fireworks,I would have added more colours. Hmmm,maybe should make another one with more colour variety and the black base.

  5. Здраво Маја, како и дали може да купиме од твоите сапуни?

    1. Zdravo! Dokolku ste zainteresirani za sapunite,pratete mi mejl za količina i vrsta. Pozdrav!

  6. Happy New Year! I love these soaps, they definitely remind me of fireworks, and the bursts of color are just gorgeous.

    1. And happy New year to you Anne-Marie, and to your family!
      I'm really happy that 'Soap Queen' likes my soaps,thanks for your nice words!

  7. I love especially the top of this soap: so colourful and happy!

    1. Hey Nat,I didn't plan to have that much of colours left,but when I put them all on the top and decorated with glitter,looked ok. Hope you had a wonderful holiday time!

  8. Thank you for your comment on my blog. It's so wonderful soaps .. and a very Happy New Year. Fireworks soap, a good name.

    1. Thanks Eija for visiting my blog and for commenting. I make soaps and some other b&b products,but you make a range of different products. That's amazing!

  9. Gorgeous colors and swirls, those soaps are simply beautiful!!!

  10. Thanks dear Goca! I just love swirls and I'm wondering if I will ever get fed up with swirling. I'm just thinking about my next swirl!

  11. Oh I love these soaps, they are beautiful! you did a fantastic job, I really like your colour choices, it looks wonderful. Happy New Year, I hope you have a great one:)

  12. Thanks Jan for stopping by and for your nice compliments. Happy New year to you,too,hopefully it will bring us many beautiful soaps,along with other more important things!


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