


Цедениот сок од цитрусно овошје е еден од најздравите напитоци, но да ли сте знаеле дека од цедените цитруси можете да добиете сапун со исто така поволни бенефити за вашата кожа.
На пример, ваков:

Соковите од цитрусните овошја содржат ензими кои помагат при одстанување на мртвите клетки од вашата кожа. Идеален е за да ја исчистите вашата кожа после напорниот ден проведен во загадена средина, било тоа да е градска врева и смог, или загушлива просторија. Исто така, придонесува кожата да биде мазна, хидрирана и го контолира лучење на себумот (регулира масна кожа). Затоа е добро средство при нега на масна кожа, бидејќи спречува настанување на акни, без да ја иритира.

Во овој сапун се наоѓат сокови од мандарина (најголем процент), лимон, портокал и црвен цитрон. Основната, жолто-портокалова боја на сапунот е од соковите, без никакви други додадени бои.

Во овој сапун е додаден и активен јаглен,како уште еден детокс елемент, што го чини овој сапун  идеален за масна и проблематична кожа. Не треба ни да се прашате на што мириса овој сапун: се разбира,на лимон.
За да биде и негувачки, тука се какао путерот ,како и маслиновото масло и маслото од маслодајна репа.

Поздрав до сите читатели!

Состав (Ingredients): Mаслиново масло (Оlea Europaea), Кокосово масло (Cocos nucifera), Палмино масло (Elaeis guineensis), Натриум-хидроксид (Sodium-hydroxide- saponifying agent), Сок од цедено цитрусно овошје (Citruses juice),Рицинусово масло (Ricinus communis ), Ладно цедено сончогледово масло (Cold pressed Helianthus annuus Seed Oil), Масло од маслодајна репка (Brassica Campestris), Какао путер (Theobroma cacao), активен јаглен (activated charcoal), бои (pigments), мирис (fragrance).

For my soaper fellows: this soap is made of 100% citrus juice- lemon, orange, tangerine (the greatest part) and red grapefruit. It affected soap in NONE alcaline decrease. Neither lye/juice solution, nor soap itself. The base yellow/orange colour is original juice colour, with none other colorant added.
I added the activated charcoal (black portion) with what I assign it as a soap for oily/problematic skin. I also added cocoa butter, along with other oils (olive,sunflower and canola),to give it mildness along with strong cleansing effect. Soap will be fully cured in two weeks, but even now it feels nice on skin and has beautiful fluffy lather. Next time, I will add some honey, to give it more emollient attribute. The fragrance used for this soap is Sicilian lemon and it smells soooo nice.
I published a post (alkaline+ acidic solution!!??) on this soap on my other blog, all soapmakers are welcomed to visit it. For those who hasn't been invited, just send me your mail and I will send you an invitation. 
Thanks for reading!


  1. Gorgeous swirling and colors Maja, and I can't believe you used 100% citrus juice for the liquid...fantastic!

  2. I agree with Cee, the swirls are beautiful and the colors great. I´v made one soap with 100% lemon juice, but i did not like the soap at all. It was too soft and it had a thick coating on top of all soaps of something that I have no idea of what it was.

  3. Beautiful swirls, Maja - I love the colors you chose! I've never tried citrus juice as a liquid because I was afraid that it would neutralize the lye. I'm glad to hear that it worked for you! I love citrus scents and I'll bet this soap smells fantastic.

  4. I was surprised myself to get so hard and saponified soap with all these citruses. Yet, I think tangerine juice prevented the lye solution from neutralizing.
    Kirppu, I've seen a video,showing exactly what you're saying, but I'm not sure what coating your soap had,but soft soap is enough do discard it,I suppose.
    Thanks ladies for stopping by, I thought you had forgotten my blog , due to my blogging break ;-)

  5. You are an artist, Maja! Love the swirls you got!
    I was also thinking of using lemon juice in soap, but my idea was to boil the juice ( and then let it get cold)before adding the lye. I am really curious to see how you like this soap, Maja!
    Gorgeous pictures too!

    1. Interesting thoughts you have,dear. I don't know how boiled juice would react with lye,but two things are certain: vitamin C would be destroyed completely and the juice still would be acidic. But,maybe less acidic? Really interesting point,can't wait to see your citrus trial.
      Thanks for your kind words,Nat!

  6. Gorgeous swirls and colors as always. I also like citrus smell and I am sure that this soap is a winner!

    1. Hi,hi, I know you know this smell very well! It's wonderfull, indeed, one of the best I've ever smelled!

  7. I have tried to find your mail-adress on your blogg but can't find it. Just fell in love with the photo of this lovely soap. Is it posible to buy your soaps and have them shipped abroad?

    1. Hello!Thank you for your interest in my work. I haven't sent my soaps abroad other than privately. Where are you from?
      E-mail address you can write me on is diva.handmade.soap@gmail.com.
      Feel free to e-mail me,I can give you postage rates and maybe we can find a way.

  8. I love your soap. The swirls are beautiful!!!!

  9. Hello Maja! I have not yet tried cattot juice, but this sounds great! I can see you added anatto, doesn't the carrot juice provide enough colour for a light yellow?

    1. Hi Valerie,
      This soap was made only with different kind citrus fruit juice ONLY. No carrot juice, nor annato added.
      I have made carrot juice soap three times and the last one I made is here:

      Thanks for your comment!


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