

New 'Miss Karota' and an ugly, but great soap


'Miss Karota' наскоро пак спремна за вас!
Сапун кој постојано се прави и троши, со 100% сок од свеже цедени моркови, многу ши путер и рицинусово масло, сапун од кој секогаш се бара парче повеќе!
Без мириси и бои!

I wasn't even sure if I should write a post on these two soaps, because one is a remake, the other one is quite ugly,lol!

The first soap for today is my 'Miss Karota' soap, restocked!
Of course, it changed its appearance once again!
This time, the black (activated charcoal) and turmeric (in place of annatto in previous versions) were poured with a spoon. 
It was made a month ago and soon, it will be available again.

сапун со морков и шеј путер

It looked so cool in the mould:

This is probably the most popular soap of mine, and just a note to remind you- it's made with 100% carrot juice, loaded of shea butter and castor oil. Carrot juice makes such a great deep yellow colour in the finished bars, which doesn't fade with time.

Состав / Ingredients: Сапонифицирани масла/ Saponified oils - Маслиново (Sodium Оlivate), Кокосово (Sodium Cocoate), Палмино (Sodium Palmate), Рицинусово (Sodium Castorate ), Ши путер (Sodium Shea butterate), Сок од свеже цедени моркови (Fresh carrot juice), куркума (Curcuma longa powder),  активен јаглен (Activated charcoal).


Овој сапун веќе е достапен во e-shop-от, обилува со додатоци- мед,куркума,овесни снегулки, зеолит, активен јаглен и е изврстен за мрсна кожа. Исто така, на нормална и мешовита кожа ќе и пружи адекватна нега. Направен е со 100% козјо млеко, без бои и мириси.
Обогатена верзија на основниот 'OMH' сапун, кој го имавме по понуда.
Моментално е мојот фаворит за лице!

The second soap is this ugly from the title, but I think its long additives list makes it really great soap.
Firstly, I called it 'Basic I' and later, I realized that it's basically OMH, with many additives. So, it bacame 'OMH+'

сапун со козјо млеко, овесни снегулки, зеолит, мед

Its list of additives is as follows: zeolite (a detoxifying mineral ), turmeric powder, honey, goat milk, ground oatmeal, activated charcoal.
I didn't add any colour, nor scent, it's a plain facial wash soap and its colour comes from its ingredients
Zeolite has recently become very popular detoxifier and it is recommended for oral consumption, as well. 
I was going to get it and asked my friend Goca if she knew where it could be found. She'd already had plenty of it and was so generous to give me some of hers. 
Thank you, Gordana!

I have been using this soap for my face and it's my favourite at the moment. I believe the synergy of all components works excellent job for the skin. 
That's been all, people, no more soaps for this year!
Stay well and in a festive spirit!

Состав: Сапонифицирани масла- Maслиново масло (Sodium olivate), Кокосово (Sodium Cocoate), Палмино (Sodium palmate), Рицинусово (Sodium Castorate), Маслодајна репка (Sodium Canolate), Масло од семнки од гројзе (Sodium Grapeseedate), козјо млеко (goat milk), зеолит (zeolite), овесни  снегулки (ground oatmeal), мед (honey), куркума (turmeric powder), активен јаглен (activated charcoal)


  1. Oh I like them both! Did you ad any scent in Miss Karota?
    And the second one is very pretty, natural looking :) I've never made special facial soap. Have to try it someday!

    I wish you a happy, bubbly, soapy and successful new year, Maja!

    1. Hi Renata! 'Miss Karota' isn't scented, it never was and it's popular as a facial soap, as well. I keep it simple, just for those who never have found soap for their face skin which works for them. It appears to suit any type of skin and I always need to have it in stock.
      I wish you happy New Year, as well and many magic moments in it!

  2. It's always nice to see your new soaps...even if they are repeats, because they are slightly unique each time. I love your OMH+ soap too, love the name!

    1. Thanks Cee, I just cannot make the same design, but maybe I should. I'm not sure how people match soap design with its name, or properties and do they prefer one particular soap to look same all the times!?

  3. I don´t think OMH+ is ugly, it looks just like a basic soap bar, but the ingredients are quite luxury. And Miss Karota, the yellow color is so appealing. Do you juice carrots or can you use carrot juice from the store?

    1. Ok, if not ugly, than boring! :-)
      I upped the coconut oil %, but it doesn't feeling dry at all. I think it's due to the additives.
      Yes, I always make my carrot juice fresh. I froze it and dissolve lye in it, without adding other liquids. Basiccally, you can use the one from the stores, but I'm not sure whether there is any pure, with no other additives added.

  4. I really like how Miss Karota is so dramatic on the top but on the sides, the design is very subtle. A lady with a lot of depth, just like you Maja. =)

    And OMH+, like Kippu said, isn't ugly, just a very no nonsense, effective soap. And for a facial soap I think that's perfect.

    Hope you have a wonderful rest of 2013.

    1. I wish you a very happy and fun New Year,Monica,being fun is a part of your personality, I believe it's the reflection of your inner happiness!

      I was a bit tired with making all kinds of 'spots' in Karota, so this time I kept it simple and ta-da-da-da, I had a soap in less than an hour!
      I love big bubbles in 'OMH+', and no matter what they say, I will always like bubbly soaps!

  5. Divna su oba sapuna! Stvarno si poboljšala miss Karotu. Prirodna boja šargarepe je božanstvena! Ja imam kući zeolita već godinama, samo što je krupna frakcija, pa neću da ga stavim u sapun. Imaš da ga nabaviš na Kopaoniku, polovina Kopaonika leži na zeolitu. Nadam se da sam bila bar malo od pomoći :). Puno pozdrava!

    1. Hvala ti Marija. Ima ga i na jugu,mada ne znam ovaj Gocin odakle potice. Za sada ga imam dovoljno, a nije ni kasnije tesko nabaviti ga. Mada, Goca mi ga je poklonila i pre nego sto sam pocela da ga uopste trazim.
      Da zaista, sargarepa je divna, a najlepsa jekad se razmuti sa sodom. Steta sto ne ostane tako intenzivna i kad se pomesa sa uljima.
      Sve najbolje ti zelim u Novoj godini, nek ti donese puno srece i uspeha!

  6. Like everyone else here, I don't find OMH+ ugly, more like Plain Jane compared to your other soaps with Diva looks and fragrances. :-) The ingredients though are no Plain Jane, so we must go by the adage "don't judge a book by its cover" :-)
    Your Miss Karota sounds amazing. I do hope to take out my juicer from its box and finally put it to good use next year. I would like to make some carrot soap too. :-)
    Cheers to 2014! :-)

    1. Hahaha, Silvia, you are so narrative. I can't wait to see your juicer in action, once you take it out, you will use it for other things, too.
      Say to 2014 not to come yet to our hemisphere, I'll get one year more to my age-account with its appearance! ;-)

  7. Miss Karota looks so creamy and nourishing, thank for reminding of using this lovely ingredient!
    And your Zeolite soap looks so good! I really love those rustic soaps, and I am sure it's a great facial soap!

    1. I'm sure you have found some other natural liquids for your soaps, so it's not strange to put one astray, hihi!

  8. Miss Karota looks lovely indeed, with its beautiful, thorough swirl... But that doesn't make Zeolite ugly. It's just... rustic, and I love rustic :)

    1. Thanks Iulia! People get associated with natural when seeing rustic soaps, and I like to see them at others, but I find them little boring to make. There is no challenge for me in pouring, mixing and pouring again! That's why I always make 'Miss Karota' differently, but as I said, it's not bad idea to set up 1 look for 1 soap!

  9. Love the delicate spoon swirl on Miss Karota, Maja! And the tops are so pretty. The OMH soap is lovely, too - it has a nice natural look, and the ingredients sound fantastic!

    1. Thanks Jenny! the swirl is pretty easy to do, no matter how you pour, it will look great, so relaxing.
      Have a nice time with your beloved ones and see you in 2014!

  10. I think both soaps are beautiful!! The OMH has that natural beauty. I gravitate to those just as much as colorful soaps :)

    1. You could say the same goes for me,too. But, sometimes I just want it simple and sometimes, the soap itself dictate whether it will be 'complicated',or simple! Thanks Roxana for your comment and happy New Year to you and your family!

  11. Miss Karota je prava Miss! Svaka nova verzija je sve lepsa i lepsa! Sok od sveze sargarepe je izvrstan dodatak sapunu i u kombinaciji sa si buterom je prava blagodet za suvu kozu, narocito tokom ovog hladnog perioda. Sto se zeolita tice interesantno je ali i ja sam ga od rodjaka iz Beograda dobila na poklon i to u kolicini koja ce podmiriti potrebe za narednih nekoliko godina, tako da kada ti se potrose postojece zalihe samo javi i ja saljem :)

    1. Karotica je odlična za sve sezone, a boga mi i tipove kože. A što se tiče zeolita, samo neka treba,pa ćemo videti, :-) !
      Hvala svakako, Coco, i na ponudi i na komentaru

  12. Prekrasen sapun Maja! Imam isto cuvstvo kako i so Natalie sapunot( nema peckanje,nema susenje,nema neprijatno zategnuvanje) i cuvstvoto na nahranetost..daaaaa!!! i za sekoj tip na koza.Pa samite sostojki zboruvaat 100% sok od morkov svezo ceden!:) shea puter ricinusovo maslo!!!..a kozava mi e uste poglasnaaaaa:))))) Diva sapun srekna koza:)))) Pozdrav,

    1. Mnogu sam ti blagodarna, Zorice, za vremeto sto go posvetuvas na mojot blog, a se razbira, najveke me raduva sto navistina uzivas vo proizvodite!

    2. :) Go obozavam tvojot blog Maja i definitivno uzivam vo proizvodite i normalno ke prodolzam i ponataka!!!!! :))
      Mnogu golem pozdrav! :))))

  13. Го препорачувам сапунот со сок од моркови на секого кој има проблем со дерматититс...мене многу ми помогна. Чешањето и иритациите се намалуваат, веќе го користам второто пакување. :) Супер е што има блог...инаку немаше да постои шанса да ги пронајдам сапуниве :) :) Поздрав

    1. Ти благодарам, Анета многу за коментарот. Навистина ме радува да домашната публика се вклучува во коментирање на блогот. Во дел со статистика, гледам дека има доста читатели, но слабо се јавуваат со ’зборовите’!
      Уште повеќе ме радува тоа што сапунот ти годи на кожата и што си задоволна. :-)


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