'Miss Karota' наскоро пак спремна за вас!
Сапун кој постојано се прави и троши, со 100% сок од свеже цедени моркови, многу ши путер и рицинусово масло, сапун од кој секогаш се бара парче повеќе!
Без мириси и бои!
I wasn't even sure if I should write a post on these two soaps, because one is a remake, the other one is quite ugly,lol!
The first soap for today is my 'Miss Karota' soap, restocked!
Of course, it changed its appearance once again!
This time, the black (activated charcoal) and turmeric (in place of annatto in previous versions) were poured with a spoon.
It was made a month ago and soon, it will be available again.
It looked so cool in the mould:
This is probably the most popular soap of mine, and just a note to remind you- it's made with 100% carrot juice, loaded of shea butter and castor oil. Carrot juice makes such a great deep yellow colour in the finished bars, which doesn't fade with time.
Овој сапун веќе е достапен во e-shop-от, обилува со додатоци- мед,куркума,овесни снегулки, зеолит, активен јаглен и е изврстен за мрсна кожа. Исто така, на нормална и мешовита кожа ќе и пружи адекватна нега. Направен е со 100% козјо млеко, без бои и мириси.
Обогатена верзија на основниот 'OMH' сапун, кој го имавме по понуда.
Моментално е мојот фаворит за лице!
The second soap is this ugly from the title, but I think its long additives list makes it really great soap.
Firstly, I called it 'Basic I' and later, I realized that it's basically OMH, with many additives. So, it bacame 'OMH+'
Its list of additives is as follows: zeolite (a detoxifying mineral ), turmeric powder, honey, goat milk, ground oatmeal, activated charcoal.
I didn't add any colour, nor scent, it's a plain facial wash soap and its colour comes from its ingredients
Zeolite has recently become very popular detoxifier and it is recommended for oral consumption, as well.
I was going to get it and asked my friend Goca if she knew where it could be found. She'd already had plenty of it and was so generous to give me some of hers.
Thank you, Gordana!
I have been using this soap for my face and it's my favourite at the moment. I believe the synergy of all components works excellent job for the skin.
That's been all, people, no more soaps for this year!
Stay well and in a festive spirit!
Состав: Сапонифицирани масла- Maслиново масло (Sodium olivate), Кокосово (Sodium Cocoate), Палмино (Sodium palmate), Рицинусово (Sodium Castorate), Маслодајна репка (Sodium Canolate), Масло од семнки од гројзе (Sodium Grapeseedate), козјо млеко (goat milk), зеолит (zeolite), овесни снегулки (ground oatmeal), мед (honey), куркума (turmeric powder), активен јаглен (activated charcoal)