Калинката спаѓа меѓу овошјата најбогато со антиоксиданси и витамини. Од нејзините семки се вади масло, кое високо котира во козметологијата, по квалитет, но и по цена. Спаѓа меѓу поскапите масла, а добро е за одржување на младаличкиот изглед на кожата. Тоа ги стимулира клетките да се спротистават на оштетувањата, ги ревитализира и придонесува за младалачкиот изглед на кожата. Се бори против слободните радикали и ја подобрува текстурата на кожата.
Секако, сите позитвни ефекти од калинката можете да ги имате со конзумација на истата, но кожата може да се третира и директно со ова овошје. Се разбира, како масло од семки.
Е па, во нашиот сапун нема семки, ниту масло од нив, но затоа има многу свеж сок од калинка.
Секако, сите позитвни ефекти од калинката можете да ги имате со конзумација на истата, но кожата може да се третира и директно со ова овошје. Се разбира, како масло од семки.
Е па, во нашиот сапун нема семки, ниту масло од нив, но затоа има многу свеж сок од калинка.
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’витамински‘ сапун |
Пред една година, една стална клиентка од странство ме праша дали сум правела сапун со калинка. Сезоната на калинки веќе беше помината, и само понекаде можеше да се најде. Искрено кажано, јас повеќе бев расположена да ги јадам тогаш, отколку да ги ставам во сапун.
Но, оваа година, пошто им се наситив, решив да го пробам сокот и во сапунот.
Што е карактеристично за сок од калинка во сапун?
Сокот на калинката има кисела pH вредност, некаде околу 2-3, додека содата има базна вредност - 14. Што тоа значи? Во регуларни услови, содата се раствара со вода, која е pH неутрална, и така тој раствор понатаму останува базен. Базната средина е она што ни треба за да се добие сапун. Меѓутоа, што се случува кога содата реагира со кисела супстанца?
Во оваа реакција, содата може да се неутрализира да, кога ќе дојде во контакт со маслата, не изреагира со нив, во размер во кој треба, за да се добие сапун. Тогаш настанува дезинтеграција на маслата и содата, при што не може да настане сапун.
Одамна, направив сапун со сок од цитрусно овошје, но тој содржи и овошје со повисока pH вредност, така да и покрај сетиот ризик, сапунот беше добар. Но, овој пат, киселостта на калинките беше пресудна да искористам само пола од течността што ми требаше за вкупната количина на сода.
Сигурна сум, ова е прав деликатес помеѓу сапуните. Тој, не само што има повеќе од пола течност калинка, тој има и ланолин, најдобрата оклузивна состојка, која и помага на испуканата кожа кога ништо друго не и помага. За зимските сапуни, ланолинот му дава кондиционирачко дејствие и сувата кожа го обожава.
природна нега на сува кожа |
Но, ни тоа не е се! Во сапунот ставивме и ши путер, за да биде уште понежан и побогат.
Но, дури ни тука листата не завршува. Белиот дел е со белата каолин глина, додека портокаловиот дел е со розева каолин глина. Виолетовата- сина боја е исто така природна- потекнува од билката алканет.
богата формула која ви овозможува хидратираност |
Сапунот мириса преубаво, свежо и весело на комбинација од етерични масла лаванда, нане и портокал. Портокалот доминира во овој бленд и верувајте, со другите две масла, дава преубава, нежна и унисекс мирисна нота.
Впрочем, овој сапун е природен 100% (ако не ја рачунаме содата, која, како што знаеме, се произведува по индустриски пат)
Сапунот е достапен во нашата е-продавница (линкот директно до него)
Сапунот е достапен во нашата е-продавница (линкот директно до него)
Состав: Sodium Olivate, Sodium Cocoate, Sodium Palmate, Sodium Castorate, Sodium Sunflowerate, fresh pomegranate juice, glycerin, Shea butter, lanolin, white & pink kaolin clays, alkanet, orange, lavender and peppermint essential oils
Како и секогаш, ви посакувам интересен и топол викенд!
Како и секогаш, ви посакувам интересен и топол викенд!
Hello my friends,
finally English, you may say!
Well, not only I really didn't have time to write English parts of the last few posts, but there was also not much news to present to you.
Last year, I was asked by my regular customer if I'd made a pomegranate juice soap. The seasons of pomegranate was almost over then and I didn't manage to try it last year. But, this year, the abundance of pomegranate at my home, reminded me of that unusual quest. So, I though , why not!
I googled the pictures of pomegrante soap and I found very different soaps as results of different amount of juice used for soap. The colours obttained from the juice were from very bright to very dark pink.
'Kalina'- the name of the soap comes from Macedonian name for pomegranate, which is 'kalinka' !
Kalina is also a female name, found usually at Blgarians, Serbians , Macedonians and other Balkan countries.
The pomegrante juice is very acidic, around 2-3 pH, which is low value for saponification. If you're one of my 'veteran' readers, you maybe remember my citrus fruits soap, made of mixture of different citruses, among them tangerines and oranges. That soap came out really well, I had no issue with saponification and it was firm and good. This time I didn't want to risk whether it will be good, or not, so I decided t play safely. I used more than a half of the juice and water the rest. Can you believe that I got almost white base colour (as seen on the pictures)? The juice itself was blood-red, then it turned orange, when the lye hit it and then in soap became slighlty orange . You see how it finished. I need to mention here that the base (white) part contains white kaolin clay, no other colorants.
The other two coloured portions are pink kaolin, which turned to orange and alkanet infusion. That one seems to be the closest to oringinal.
If you look carefully this soap, you will notice it has snow falling! Well, this is a winter soap, you can congratulate me for this effect! LOL, couldn't be further from the truth. The 'snow' effect was caused by instant freezing in the freezer and I suspect it to be staeric acid, which crystallized very fast.
Why the heck did I put it in the freezer? Well, why? The refrigerator, chilling at 4 degrees would have worked probably better.
This soap contains lanolin, which is known as a heater and trouble-maker. That's, I reckoned the freezer would better prevent overheating. I certainly was right, this soap didn't have time to heat at all.
So, that's the 'snow' recipe- just put your soap to freeze as quick as you can. lol!
Anyway, I'm happy with the outcome, not really what I expected, but still has a charm.
It smells like a lavender, peppermint and orange essential oils blend and I found myslef enjoying mixing essential oils, because I like all possible blends much more than any essentiial oil straight .
How's been your season going? Does winter soaps sell for you, or is there not much difference in type and scents all year round?
Have a nice and warm weekend, whereever you live!
finally English, you may say!
Well, not only I really didn't have time to write English parts of the last few posts, but there was also not much news to present to you.
Last year, I was asked by my regular customer if I'd made a pomegranate juice soap. The seasons of pomegranate was almost over then and I didn't manage to try it last year. But, this year, the abundance of pomegranate at my home, reminded me of that unusual quest. So, I though , why not!
I googled the pictures of pomegrante soap and I found very different soaps as results of different amount of juice used for soap. The colours obttained from the juice were from very bright to very dark pink.
'Kalina'- the name of the soap comes from Macedonian name for pomegranate, which is 'kalinka' !
Kalina is also a female name, found usually at Blgarians, Serbians , Macedonians and other Balkan countries.
The pomegrante juice is very acidic, around 2-3 pH, which is low value for saponification. If you're one of my 'veteran' readers, you maybe remember my citrus fruits soap, made of mixture of different citruses, among them tangerines and oranges. That soap came out really well, I had no issue with saponification and it was firm and good. This time I didn't want to risk whether it will be good, or not, so I decided t play safely. I used more than a half of the juice and water the rest. Can you believe that I got almost white base colour (as seen on the pictures)? The juice itself was blood-red, then it turned orange, when the lye hit it and then in soap became slighlty orange . You see how it finished. I need to mention here that the base (white) part contains white kaolin clay, no other colorants.
The other two coloured portions are pink kaolin, which turned to orange and alkanet infusion. That one seems to be the closest to oringinal.
If you look carefully this soap, you will notice it has snow falling! Well, this is a winter soap, you can congratulate me for this effect! LOL, couldn't be further from the truth. The 'snow' effect was caused by instant freezing in the freezer and I suspect it to be staeric acid, which crystallized very fast.
Why the heck did I put it in the freezer? Well, why? The refrigerator, chilling at 4 degrees would have worked probably better.
This soap contains lanolin, which is known as a heater and trouble-maker. That's, I reckoned the freezer would better prevent overheating. I certainly was right, this soap didn't have time to heat at all.
So, that's the 'snow' recipe- just put your soap to freeze as quick as you can. lol!
Anyway, I'm happy with the outcome, not really what I expected, but still has a charm.
It smells like a lavender, peppermint and orange essential oils blend and I found myslef enjoying mixing essential oils, because I like all possible blends much more than any essentiial oil straight .
How's been your season going? Does winter soaps sell for you, or is there not much difference in type and scents all year round?
Have a nice and warm weekend, whereever you live!
Those are beautiful, just as always! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Sini, that's very kind!
DeleteBeautiful, Maja! The pomegranate juice sounds like an interesting ingredient. And I love the snow effect!
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting, especiallz when you finished up with almost white soap,lol. The snow effect is kinda cool , it's smooth and nice, not irritant all!
DeleteMaja ova e sapun navistina POLN so antioksidansi i potpolno priroden (kako i miss karota) zaradi svojata edinstvenost SVEZO CEDEN SOK OD KALINKA i toa poveke od pola tecnost! I zaedno so drugite sostojki e vistinska vitaminska 'bomba' za kozata...ceden sok,shea puter,dve kaolin glini,lanolin,tri etericni masla....perfekten soodnos na cistenje na kozata so izvlekuvanje na necistotii,omeknuvanje i nejzina zastita! I mirisa navistina svezo(mene mi preovladuva naneto i lavandata) navistina presvez sapun Maja:))
ReplyDeletePozdrav:) Zorica
Interesno sto na tebe ti mirisa na nane i lavanda,jas najprven go osetim porokalot.
DeleteTi blagodaram Zorice za tvoite preubavi i inspirisani komentari!
I probaj go, mada znam deka ti e tesko, bidejki poveke ni samata ne znaes kolku gi imas,lol!
Zaboraviv Maja:) Seto ova a se uste ne go imam probano sapunot samo pomirisano ama na red e hahaha
ReplyDeleteJos jedan u nizu prelepih sapuna po izgledu a sastav sigurno obecava pravi uzitak pri koriscenju. Odlicno je ispao, svaka cast Maja!
ReplyDeleteHvala draga! Malo me ovaj sneg iznenadio,al' dobar je efekat!
DeleteLovely swirls and I like your EO blend. I would like to try it, too, one of these days. :)
ReplyDeleteI find that most people will buy soap based on the scent they like, and nothing to do with the season. It could be that we only have wet and dry seasons, and may be different for places with 4 seasons. How is it from your experience?
I couldn't agree more, Silvia. Personally,I like warm,sweet and heavier perfumes in wiinter, but when we speak of soap, I really don't make the season difference, it all depends on my mood!
DeleteGorgeous design, you manage this technique really good, Maja! Love your add of essential oils too!
ReplyDeleteInteresting color you got using this natural juice (I have also used it and I got a green color -100% of water).
Love your photography!
Really?? I haven't found any green pomegranate soap, this is very interesting. You meant 100% of juice- I guess? I'd like to see yours! Thanks Nat, I'm still waiting an inspiration to hit you! Hope it will soon!
DeleteYou have the most interesting ideas for things to put into soap and it always sounds so wonderful! These turned out so beautifully and I'm sure despite your modesty, you had planned the snow effect all along. :)