Од ова далечна, голема, студена, убава земја ни доаѓа еден луксузен сапун, кој го направи една многу драга и блиска особа, Си (eng. Cee). Си го води својот блог "Oil & butter" (можете да го погледнете), на кој што пишува за своите сапунски авантури. Еве го постот на нејзиниот блог за овој луксузен сапун.
From this distant, huge, cold, beautiful country, a luxury soap is coming, made by my dear friend, Cee. She runs her blog "Oil & butter", where she writes about her soapy adventures. Here it is her post on this soap
Овој сапун го добив сосема случајно, кога Си организираше анкета, во која беа понудени разни состојки од кои таа планирала да направи луксузен сапун за своите пријатели и роднини. Посетителите на блогот гласаа и таа потоа ги избра состојките според бројот на гласовите. Кога ме извлече мене како добитник, јас не верував дека навистина ќе ми го испрати сапунот, со оглед на тоа дека Канада е предалеку и дека ќе мора да плати високи поштенски трошоци. Но, таа покажа дека за нејзините сапуни навистина не постојат граници и дека никаков трошок нема да ја спречи да го одржи својот збор.
I won this soap through a poll Cee had organized on her blog. She had made a list of possible ingredients of which she'd been planning to make a soap. I didn't really think she would send it, considering high postal costs. But, she showed that there was no limit for her soaps and not even additional cost couldn't preclude of her sending it.
I won this soap through a poll Cee had organized on her blog. She had made a list of possible ingredients of which she'd been planning to make a soap. I didn't really think she would send it, considering high postal costs. But, she showed that there was no limit for her soaps and not even additional cost couldn't preclude of her sending it.
Долго го чекав сапунот да стигне од Канада, а кога дојде, се гледаше дека имал напорен пат. Малку беше згмечен од страните, но тоа воопшто не ми пречеше.
I had waited almost two months for this soap and when it eventually arrived, it was obvious that its travel was tough, with its sides a bit damaged. But, I didn't mind it at all
I had waited almost two months for this soap and when it eventually arrived, it was obvious that its travel was tough, with its sides a bit damaged. But, I didn't mind it at all
Јас не сум имала прилика до сега да добијам полуксузен сапун од овој и можам да кажам дека го потрошив со задоволство.
I haven't had a chance so far to hold and use the soap more luxurious than this one and I used it til the last bubble with an endless pleasure.
I haven't had a chance so far to hold and use the soap more luxurious than this one and I used it til the last bubble with an endless pleasure.
Погледнете ја листата на состојки, прилично е долга: Маслиново масло (Olea europea), Палмино масло (Elaeis Guineesis), Кокосово масло (Cocos Nucifera), Натриум- хидроксид (Sodium hidroxide), Рицинусово масло (Ricinus communis), Бадемово масло (Prunus Amygdalus), Ши путер (Butyrospermum Parkii), Авокадово масло (Persea Gratissima), Манго путер (Mangifera Indica), Јојобино масло (Simmondsia Chinesis), Бадемово млеко (Almond milk), Мед (Honey), Екстракт од камилица (Chamomile extract), натриум-лактат (sodium-lactate), глицерин (Glycerine), мирис (fragrance), боја (mica)
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слика од блогот на Си |
Си навистина не штедела на квалитет, а тоа се гледа кога го користите овој сапун.
Мирисот беше дискретен, за да не се наруши богатата содржина на сапун, но мене ми мирисаше преубаво. Тука беа некои цветни тонови, толку благи, колку да можете да уживате во мирисот и во структурата на самиот сапун.
Cee really didn't spare ingredients to achieve such a quality and you can say so with using this soap. The scent was discreet, for not to disturb the richness of this soap, but still beautiful. I could detect some floral notes, but so mild, just enough to enjoy both, the scent and rich ingredients
Ти благодарам Си, за овој подарок, за твојата несебичност и великодушност и за твоето пријателство!
Thank you Cee, for this present, for your altruism and generosity and your friendship!
Мирисот беше дискретен, за да не се наруши богатата содржина на сапун, но мене ми мирисаше преубаво. Тука беа некои цветни тонови, толку благи, колку да можете да уживате во мирисот и во структурата на самиот сапун.
Cee really didn't spare ingredients to achieve such a quality and you can say so with using this soap. The scent was discreet, for not to disturb the richness of this soap, but still beautiful. I could detect some floral notes, but so mild, just enough to enjoy both, the scent and rich ingredients
Ти благодарам Си, за овој подарок, за твојата несебичност и великодушност и за твоето пријателство!
Thank you Cee, for this present, for your altruism and generosity and your friendship!
What a nice surprise, to see my soap posted on your blog Maja! It's been a pleasure getting to know you over these last few months and I am so thrilled you enjoyed the soap so much. It was a real pleasure to make, and I think it is time to make some more! :D
ReplyDeleteI hope you liked the post,Cee!
DeleteThe pleasure of knowing you is all mine, dear!
Keep in touch!
Love the colour Cee got using the almond milk, so natural!
ReplyDeleteAnd indeed, the soap looks to be so rich, I wish I could try it too :).
I still have this idea that a soap tells a lot about the person who made it!
Thanks for sharing, Maja! Enjoy this lovely soap of Cee!
I just adore getting other people's soap, I always enjoy using them. This one is gone,but luckily,there are others waiting to be grabbed and tried.
ReplyDeleteI just got my soapies from Cee and dying to try them! I don't think I'll get every too tired of sampling other people soaps. God, I really sound like a soap junkie, but I'm glad that at east, I'm not the only one here! :-P
ReplyDeleteCan't get enough of soaps! Every single one is different, but equally exciting! Wouldn't mind having more &more, I can't wait another swap!
DeleteIt seems that it was worth waiting this soap. I am sure that you will enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI really did!